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Office of the President and Vice Chancellor

Dr. Sarita Verma

Hello, Bonjour, Annii,

This Office sets the direction for NOSM University by establishing priorities that support the overall strategy, vision, and mission.

The primary responsibilities include overseeing the operations, communicating and advancing the vision, and developing strategies to ensure NOSM University meets its corporate, academic and social accountability mandates.

The President, Vice-Chancellor, Dean and CEO provides leadership to our diverse community of students, faculty, staff, alumni and donors.

Learn more about Dr. Sarita Verma, President, Vice Chancellor, Dean and CEO of NOSM University:

Meet our Inaugural Chancellor, Dr. Cindy Blackstock

Whether you are already part of our University community or looking to learn more about our institution, I invite you to connect with us at, read our strategic plan or visit one of our campuses.

Having an event? Please visit How to invite the President, Provost or Chancellor to your event.

Meet the Team

Dr. Sarita Verma
President, Vice-Chancellor, Dean and CEO

Chantale Dean
Executive Assistant to the President

Gina Kennedy
University Secretary
Director, Office of the President

Alexandra Curry
Assistant University Secretary

Amanda Fotty
Administrative Assistant

Kailey Beggs
Student Assistant

President’s Portfolio

The Office of the President includes the following units:

For more information about NOSM University’s bicameral Governance, please visit University Governance.

President’s Performance Goals

The President establishes performance goals on an annual basis.  A summary of the agreed performance goals is provided to the Board of Governors on an annual basis and published here.

May 2023 -2024

  • Complete fourth year of Strategic Plan: Metrics on all 5 Strategic Directions
    • HHR Planning, clinical relations (Academic Health Science Centres (AHSCs) and Northern Ontario Academic Medicine Association (NOAMA))
    • Social accountability
    • Academic programs (expansion, Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP), etc.)
    • Research agenda
    • Becoming a university
  • Establish financial sustainability and resolve base budget deficit.
  • Complete $50 million “The Future Will See You Now” fundraising strategy.
  • Resolve issues regarding campuses at Laurentian and Lakehead Universities (capital planning)
  • Complete bargaining of OPSEU Collective Agreement with Unit 1

*approved by the Board on May 17, 2023

May 2022 – May 2023


  • Establish new budget model and financial sustainability
  • Create new work model in a post pandemic world
  • Complete new Collective Agreement with OPSEU 1
  • Complete Review of NOAMA
  • Successful targeted fundraising


  • Complete new Board of Governors and Senate appointment
  • Appoint and Install inaugural Chancellor
  • Navigate ongoing legal issues and establish new relationships with Laurentian and Lakehead Universities
  • Implementation of the Equity Strategy
  • Continue Year 3 implementation of the NOSM University Strategic Plan – Set new overarching Strategic Direction – Establish NOSM U as a University


  • Successful site visit of CACMS (October 2022) and follow up PGME Residency program accreditation reports and prepare for other program accreditation
  • Create the NOSM University IQAP process
  • Roll out the expansion of medical school
  • Establish plan for research administration
  • Open international programs in Graduate studies and of international fellows in PGME
  • Facilitate the transition of the AHSNs departments to an academic model

*approved by the Transition Board on May 12, 2022

September 2021 – May 2022

  • Manage the navigation of NOSM-to-NOSM University including the transition of the Board, Senate and appointment of the inaugural Chancellor.
  • Complete the continued accreditation of the degree program in MD (to have a review in October 2022), PGME accreditation and prepare for other program accreditation (i.e. NODIP).
  • Continue Implementation of The NOSM Challenge 2025 strategic plan.
  • Facilitate opportunities to achieve financial sustainability for NOSM as it becomes NOSM University.

*approved by the Board on September 2021

Executive Group

The Executive Group is the most senior administrative body for operational matters at NOSM University. The Executive Group is responsible for ensuring that all operational, financial, and academic administrative aspects of NOSM University function successfully.

For more information about NOSM University’s Executive Group, please visit Executive Group.

Important Dates

This calendar will include the Senate and Board approved important dates including approved fee dates as well as University Important Dates required by legislature or policy.

To view calendar, please visit NOSM University Important Dates

President’s Report

President’s Reports are done quarterly, keep up to date with the highlights of NOSM University.

To view the report, please visit President’s Report.

Strategic Plan – The NOSM University Challenge 2025


The Challenge theme emerged throughout the engagement process and reflects the need to challenge ourselves, our communities, our ideas, and our commitment to social accountability to drive necessary change and improve access to quality health care in Northern Ontario.

NOSM University must promote innovation, discovery, and academic and clinical excellence while building a culture of diversity, inclusion, integrity, and empowerment. NOSM University must renew its commitment to social accountability by having an ongoing, sustainable impact in Northern Ontario.

For more information about NOSM University’s Strategic Plan, please visit The NOSM University Challenge.