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ROMEO Research Resources

Welcome to the ROMEO Research Portal for NOSM University

The ROMEO Research Portal is an online database for the management and reporting of research funding at NOSM University.

Currently, the Research Portal is only used for the internal NOSM University Research Approval Form. We will be adding other forms to the portal in the near future.

For NOSM University investigators, you should already have a ROMEO Research Portal login and account.

If you are EXTERNAL to NOSM University, and would like to register for a ROMEO Research Portal login for NOSM University, please use the following link:

Register for the ROMEO Research Portal

Training Video on how to use ROMEO

All NOSM University investigators must use their NOSM University email accounts for the ROMEO Research Portal

Please note that this does not replace any other ROMEO accounts that you may have at other institutions (Lakehead University, Laurentian University, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences etc.), and that you may still need to apply for awards or certifications at other institutions.

NOSM University does not have its own Research Ethics Board, Biosafety or Animal Care Committee; therefore, all certifications are still routed through the appropriate University or Health Sciences Centre.