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Keynote Speaker

Keynote Title: “Cardiovascular research using health services administrative data in Northern Ontario: Impact on quality of care and outcomes”

Mohammed Shurrab MD, MSc


Health Sciences North and Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Dr. Shurrab is a Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist at Health Sciences North as well as an Assistant Professor at Northern Ontario School of Medicine. He was recently named HSNRI’s Research Lead in Cardiovascular Health. He is working with ICES north integrating academics, research and scholarship to improve the quality of care and outcomes in Northern Ontario and beyond. His research focuses on multiple cardiovascular topics related to irregular heartbeats and stroke, blood thinners and heart attack with a focus on the elderly population.

Dr. Shurrab is a well-published clinical researcher and his research efforts have led to the publication of 50 peer-reviewed papers in reputable journals. Most recently, in May 2018, he was awarded the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Fellowship. Also, he was successful in securing multiple grants to support his ongoing research.

Dr. Shurrab is actively involved in clinical teaching with learners from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and the University of Toronto. His focus on clinical teaching also encourages learners to welcome research into their training and future clinical careers.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To highlight the use of health services administrative data in Cardiovascular Research
  2. To discuss the Impact of health services administrative research on quality of care and outcomes in Northern Ontario