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Previous Student Open Access Publication Fund

Previous Recipients of the Student Open Access Publication Fund

Sarah Hunt 

Sarah Hunt is the first author on a publication in the PLOS ONE journal with Jenna Simpson, Lyndon Letwin and Bryan MacLeod.   

The publication titled “Is online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic associated with increased burnout in medical learners?:  A medical school’s experience” can be found here. 


Mathieu Rheault-Henry 

Mathieu Rheault-Henry is the first author on a publication in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology Open with Derek MacDonald, Yasmine Sallam and Bindu Bittira.   

The publication titled “Incidental Finding of a Coronary Artery Fistula in a Patient With Anterolateral ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction” can be found here.