Reporting an Injury
Where possible, a resident will endeavour to protect himself or herself from harm through proper use of personal protective equipment. It is imperative that each resident review and understand the health and safety protocols of the institution in which they are working. On occasion, incidents and injuries do occur despite the best efforts to prevent them.
If you are injured while on clinical placement, please follow the process listed below. Do not skip any steps.
- Resident experiences workplace injury.
- Resident immediately obtains first aid and, if necessary, report to the nearest emergency room. Resident self-identifies as a NOSM University Resident.
- Resident reports to the Occupational Health Department* and residents on NOSM University payroll must complete NOSM University’s Injury/Incident Reporting Form in conjunction with Supervisor.
- If the injury is needle stick or fluid splash: See your site specific Occ. Health Dept or Coordinator for additional forms if required.
- Resident emails or faxes the completed NOSM University Injury/Incident Report within 24 hours to or 705-671-3880.
- If required, a NOSM University HR designate will follow up with the Resident if a status of injury is required, or to gather any missing information.
- NOSM University HR designate will generate and submit a WSIB Form 7 to WSIB, if required, and provide a copy to the Resident.
- WSIB follows up with the Resident directly by mail and/or telephone.
- Claims Management: NOSM University HR designate will monitor the injury and close the file upon Resident returning to work in a full time capacity.
After file is closed, Resident is expected to report any re-occurrence of the injury to the supervisor and to the NOSM University HR designate ( immediately.
Additional Information:
- NOSM University has three (3) business days to fill out the Form 7 from date of learning about the incident.
- WSIB adjudicates the claim using three forms which are:
- Form 6 – Worker’s Report of Injury (If required)
- Form 7 – Employer’s Report of Injury
- Form 8 – Health Professional Report
- *Report to Occ. Health Department only if there is one at location, if not go straight to supervising Faculty
Any questions can be sent to: