Welcome to the Virtual CampMed CSI Lab!
The CSI Session will run for the whole four (4) weeks of CampMed. Each week, enter the CSI Lab to find clues and important information to help you solve the “Med School Murder” case. Campers who solve the case will be entered into a draw to win a NOSM/CampMed Prize Pack!
Note: All videos and documents will open in a new browser tab.
Week 1 – General Information on CSI & the Case
To begin your investigation, watch the “Med School Murder” presentation, which will go over general information on Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), such as how crime scenes are processed, health & safety, evidence, methods of identification, and more. The video will also present the case “Med School Murder”, and give you some information on the victim and all five (5) of the suspects.
While watching the video, use the CSI Overview Document to make notes of any important information. You should continue to use this document throughout the entire CSI session to track pertinent information to the case.
Make sure to enter the CSI Lab again next week (July 6, 2020) to get more information on the case. You will then be able to start solving the case!
Week 2 – Fingerprint Analysis
Last week, you were provided some information on CSI and were presented with the “Med School Murder” case. Now, it’s time to find out how the investigators were able to identify Caleb as the victim.
To begin, view the Fingerprint Analysis video, which will guide you in completing a fingerprint dusting activity. You can then follow the CSI – Fingerprint Analysis Handout, which provides the written steps for this activity, as well as some information on the principles of fingerprint analysis. In the handout, you will also find the victim’s recovered fingerprint from the crime scene. Use your knowledge to match it to one of the known fingerprints in the database.
Check out the new clues deduced from the crime scene. This information may (or may not) be helpful in solving the case.
Make sure to enter the CSI Lab again next week (July 13, 2020) to get more information on the case!
Week 3 – Blood Type Analysis
Welcome back to the CSI Lab! This week, you will begin eliminating suspects.
Use the CSI – Blood Analysis Handout to guide you through a blood spatter activity. Then, using blood type analysis, you will be able to eliminate one or more suspects.
New clues were discovered at the crime scene. Use this information wisely!
Make sure to enter the CSI Lab again next week (July 20, 2020) to get more information on the case!
Week 4 – DNA Extraction & Karyotype Analysis
We are closing in on the suspect!
This week you will be completing a DNA extraction activity. First, view the video, which explains the DNA extraction process. The CSI – DNA Extraction & Karyotype Analysis Handout also has steps for this process, and provides you with a second opportunity to eliminate more suspects.
More clues have also been discovered. Keep track of your information in the Overview Document provided during the first week. This will be useful in determining which of the suspects is the killer.
Once you think you have solved the case, check out the “Week 4 – Case Closed!” section and use the Doodle Poll link to submit your solution by 9:00 AM on Thursday, July 23 for your chance to win one (1) of two (2) CampMed Prize Packs!
Make sure to enter the CSI Lab again on Thursday, July 23, 2020 to find out if you solved the case!
Week 4 – Case Closed!
Now that you have all of the evidence from the crime scene and descriptions of all the suspects and the victim, use this information to determine who the culprit was.
Who was it?
View the Solution to “Med School Murder” Presentation to find out who the killer was!
Thank you for participating in the CSI Mini-Session. We hope you enjoyed it as much as our volunteers enjoyed planning it for you!
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