The safety of the NOSM community is our top priority as we closely monitor the global COVID-19 pandemic. With the welfare of everyone in mind, we have made the difficult decision not to offer the in-person delivery of CampMed in Sudbury and Thunder Bay in July 2020.
UPDATE: We are moving forward with an alternative delivery of the CampMed program that will be run virtually from June 29 to July 24, 2020. The Virtual CampMed programming will allow all students to participate in the camp with several sessions scheduled every week.
There is no cost or application process to participate in the Virtual CampMed; however, participants will be required to register for live sessions.
We thank you for your patience as we continue to adapt to the COVID-19 situation.
Welcome to Virtual CampMed 2020!
Virtual CampMed 2020 was led by a team of twenty-five (25) university student volunteers as well as staff, faculty, and medical learners from NOSM. Sessions included CSI, immunology and virology, medical imaging, Francophone and Indigenous health and culture, and much more. Access recordings of the live sessions and watch supplementary content videos that will teach you what it’s like to work as a healthcare professional in Northern Ontario!
CampMed is founded on four pillars of learning. From top left and going clock wise, the icons in the new branding represent interprofessionalism, leadership, culture, and clinical skills—the knowledge and skills that participants gain from attending CampMed.
Participants attending CampMed learn the importance of interprofessionalism in health-care settings by learning about various health careers and how those professionals work together to ensure the well-being and health of patients. The majority of the interprofessional learning at CampMed is provided by the health-care professionals who participate in the career fair as well as their mentors who are the NOSM’s students and undergraduate student volunteers from Northern Ontario.
Throughout the week, the CampMed participants are provided with opportunities to observe the leadership skills of their mentors to build on their own leadership skills set as they are placed in situations that give them a safe setting to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves to lead.
At CampMed, participants will learn about Francophone and Indigenous health and culture in ways that will broaden their understanding of health needs of Northern Ontario. In simple terms they learn what it means to be a socially accountable health professional. These cultural competencies are woven throughout the week-long curriculum.
Clinical skills

Registration & Donation Information
Registration for the Virtual CampMed 2020 live sessions is now closed.
Live sessions were scheduled from June 29 – July 24, 2020.
Donations to CampMed
NOSM has decided to deliver CampMed 2020 virtually this summer, and decided to waive registration fees to allow all Northern Ontario high school students the opportunity to partake due to the virtual component. However, there are still many costs associated with CampMed this year, including numerous prizes and prize packs, session kits, supplies and other event fees.
We hope that you will consider contributing to this important work of inspiring the youth of Northern Ontario to see themselves as the health care professionals of our tomorrow.
Live Session Descriptions & Recordings
Did you miss a session? Want to view a session again? Recordings of each live session are now available!
The ABCs of Health Session
Monday, June 29, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this session, campers will explore the various acronyms and mnemonics for health assessment and reporting. They will learn the priorities of health assessment and how intervention(s) are prioritized based upon assessment findings. Campers will obtain a good foundational set of knowledge to apply to Session 4: Advanced First-Aid. Through case studies, they will collaboratively apply their new assessment knowledge and skills to contribute to determining a patient’s potential Canadian Trauma & Acuity Scale (CTAS) score.
Access the ABC’s of Health Handout
Session Lead: Brodie Gies-MacNeil
Volunteers: Roxanne Boodhoo, Brodie Gies-MacNeil, Megan Barnes, Charley Truyens, Julia Burns, Félix Lavigne, Gabrielle McDonald, Manon Valiquette, Tyler Pretty, Hailey O’Grady, Adam Poulin
Wellness Break
Thursday, July 2, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
This session will enable campers to start camp off right with a focus on wellness. This short beginner yoga session is open to all levels of all ages. Additional Wellness videos will be shared in the Supplementary section of the Camp.
Session Lead: Charley Truyens
Volunteers: Roxanne Boodhoo, Janani Sathiaselan, Mackenzie Musicco, Emma Hay, Megan Barnes, Charley Truyens, Julia Burns, Hailey O’Grady, Adam Poulin, Claire Poulin
Medical Imaging Session
Friday, July 3, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this session, campers will learn about the bones in the body and the different anatomical planes, making use of model skeletons. The differences that exist between medical imaging modalities will be discussed, and students will learn about different health care providers who may be involved in using radiation for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Through case studies, students will learn the different types of medical imaging. Camper will be exposed to abnormalities or pathologies that may arise throughout the body.
Access the Medical Imaging Handout – Activity Sheet
Access the Medical Imaging Handout – Answer Sheet
Session Lead: Jenna Robert
Volunteers: Brodie Gies-MacNeil, Heidi Tuszkiewicz, Miranda Wysoczanski, Mackenzie Musicco, Thia Courchesne, Caleb Robinson-Ethier, Andrea Pintar, Matthew Novello, Jenna Robert, Aly Pullen
Medical Terminology (Bilingual) Session | La terminologie médicale (Séance bilingue)
Monday, July 6, 2020 1:30 PM EST | Le lundi 6 juillet a 13h30 HNE
Knowledge of medical terminology related to anatomy, physiology, medical exams, and clinical procedures is essential in all healthcare sectors. This session will test your knowledge on everything related to the human body!
Pour travailler dans le domaine médical, il est essentiel de comprendre la terminologie reliée à l’anatomie, à la physiologie et aux examens médicaux ainsi qu’aux procédures cliniques se rapportant aux différents systèmes du corps humain. Dans cette session, nous allons défier vos connaissances sur le corps humain!
Session Leads: Tamika Hamlet and Tyler Pretty
Anatomy I
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this session, campers will learn the anatomy of the gastrointestinal system (digestive system), the liver and pancreas, and some musculoskeletal terminology. Campers will gain knowledge of the important functions of various organs within these systems. Following a tutorial using models, the campers will test their knowledge through a labelling activity and Kahoots. Campers will also apply their knowledge through case studies. There is a limit of 60 people for this session.
Session Leads: Stephanie Stevens and Brooke Raycraft
Séance d’aptitude clinique en français (Séance français)
Le mercredi 8 juillet a 13h 30 HNE
Le temps d’une séance, venez jouer le rôle d’un médecin praticien durant une consultation médicale avec un patient. Arriverez-vous à recueillir suffisamment de renseignements pour comprendre le problème de votre patient ?
Anatomy II
Thursday July 9, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this session, campers will learn the anatomy and physiology of the cardiorespiratory system (the heart and lungs), the lobes of the brain, and the twelve (12) cranial nerves. Campers will participate in a tutorial session where they will be walked through the anatomy and physiology using models. Campers will test their knowledge through a labelling activity, Kahoots, and case-based studies. There is a limit of 60 people for this session.
Session Leads: Stephanie Stevens and Brooke Raycraft
Jeopardy (Bilingual) | Jeopardy (Séance bilingue)
Friday, July 10, 2020 1:30 PM EST | Le vendredi 10 juillet a 13 h 30 HNE
Test your knowledge with NOSM’s version of Jeopardy, which includes 5 categories based on the medical field!
Testez vos connaissances sur notre Jeopardy version EMNO. Au travers de 5 catégories sur le milieu médicale, essayer de remporter le jeu !
Determinants of Health/Health Inequities Session
Monday, July 13, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this session, campers will discover the broader determinants that impact individual, community, and population health. This includes the twelve social determinants of health (SDoH) outlined by the government of Canada with a specific focus on the SDoH of prominent concern in Northern Ontario. Campers will also learn health inequalities such as the difference between equality vs. equity, marginalized populations, and racial discrimination. Campers will learn health inequalities in Northern Ontario and discuss the consequential results of this gap in justified care. Campers will also learn the Population Health Promotion Model and participate in an activity testing the model.
Session Lead: Hailey O’Grady
Volunteers: Janani Sathiaselan, Brodie Gies-MacNeil, Heidi Tuszkiewicz, Thia Courchesne, Caleb Robinson-Ethier, Emma Hay, Charley Truyens, Julia Burns, Matthew Novello, Tyler Pretty, Hailey O’Grady, Chloe Smith, Jenna Robert, Carlo Circelli
Life as a Medical Student
Tuesday, July 14, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this session, 3rd year medical students Brooke and Stephanie will talk about life as a medical student as NOSM! Campers will learn about the curriculum including lectures, small group learning, labs, and structured clinical skills sessions. Campers will also get to hear about the various ICE placements NOSM offers, including placement in an Indigenous community! Brooke and Stephanie will also talk about their favourite things about being a medical student at NOSM, and some of the challenges they have faced. Campers will learn why NOSM is No Ordinary School of Medicine!
Session Leads: Stephanie Stevens and Brooke Raycraft
Wilderness First Aid Case Study Session
Wednesday, July 15, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this 30 minute session, campers will go through a basic wilderness first aid scenario with emphasis on the wilderness treatments, information gathering, and the decision-making process. The session will include an wilderness first aid activity and allow campers to apply the knowledge they just acquired to help a “responder” administer first aid.
Access the Wilderness First Aid Case Study Handout
Session Lead: Adam Poulin
Volunteers: Roxanne Boodhoo, Brodie Gies-MacNeil, Megan Barnes, Julia Burns, Gabrielle McDonald, Adam Poulin, Claire Poulin
Virology and Immunology Session
Friday, July 17, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
The current COVID-19 pandemic exemplifies the power of microorganisms that lay on virtually every surface but can’t be seen by the naked eye. Have you wondered how scientists identify viruses that you cannot see? Are you familiar with different techniques by which our body can fight off these pathogens? During this online intensive module, students will be introduced to scientific concepts in virology and immunology through a combination of a live presentation, pre-recorded videos and interactive sessions.
Session Lead: Matthew Novello
Volunteers: Miranda Wysoczanski, Félix Lavigne, Gabrielle McDonald, Matthew Novello, Chloe Smith
Admission Presentation – What you can do now to prepare to apply to NOSM
Monday, July 20, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this session, campers will learn what they can do now to start to build their portfolios in preparation for eventually applying to NOSM. The session will also discuss the basic skills needed to become a physician as well as the NOSM program and how it is unique from other medical schools.
Session Lead: Julie Houle, Admissions and Learner Recruitment Officer at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Ethics Session
Tuesday, July 21, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this session, campers will learn the use of ethics and its importance in healthcare. The main concepts that will be discussed include the four ethical principles, informed consent, patient education and communication, as well as the major types of ethical views. To conclude the session, campers will take part in a case study debate regarding a scenario involving an organ transplant patient to enforce what was discussed throughout the presentation.
Access the Ethics Session Handout
Session Lead: Heidi Tuszkiewicz
Volunteers: Janani Sathiaselan, Roxanne Boodhoo, Brodie Gies-MacNeil, Heidi Tuszkiewicz, Miranda Wysoczanski, Mackenzie Musicco, Thia Courchesne, Caleb Robinson-Ethier, Emma Hay, Megan Barnes, Charley Truyens, Tyler Pretty, Hailey O’Grady, Claire Poulin, Jenna Robert, Carlo Circelli, Tyler Pretty
Kahoots: What I learned during CampMed 2020
Thursday, July 23, 2020 | 1:30 PM EST
In this live Kahoots session, campers will test their knowledge of CampMed 2020 and have the opportunity to discuss answers and clarify learnings.
Session lead: Tyler Pretty
Volunteers: Heidi Tuszkiewicz, Miranda Wysoczanski, Mackenzie Musicco, Megan Barnes, Charley Truyens, Félix Lavigne, Andrea Pintar, Manon Valiquette, Tyler Pretty, Hailey O’Grady, Jenna Robert, Carlo Circelli, Aly Pullen
Supplementary Content Sessions
In light of COVID-19 and our need to bring CampMed 2020 to our campers virtually, we included supplementary sessions that were pre-recorded and provided here to round out the Virtual CampMed 2020 experience.
Although these sessions were not included in the Certificate of Achievement that campers who attended at least five (5) of the live sessions received, these sessions were intended to add to their overall knowledge and experience during Virtual CampMed 2020. These sessions vary in length and in topic, and information presented in these sessions was included in the final Virtual CampMed 2020 Kahoots session.
There are two sections of supplementary content – Section I: Mini-Sessions, and Section II: Career Panel.
We hope you enjoy our videos and will share them with friends and family who may also be interested!
Links to the Supplementary Content videos are now available! Select the video buttons below to access the Supplementary Content videos!
*All links will open in a new browser tab.
Section I: Mini-Sessions
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)
Join us through Instagram #NOSMCampMed and access videos and case information/documents in the Virtual CampMed CSI Lab to participate in our virtual crime scene. The sessions were shared throughout CampMed (June 29 – July 24, 2020) – check out the information in order and see if you can solve the case!
Enter the Virtual CampMed CSI Lab
Session Lead: Andrea Pintar
Volunteers: Thia Courchesne, Caleb Robinson-Ethier, Gabrielle McDonald, Manon Valiquette, Matthew Novello
Naloxone Kit
This mini-session covers important information about Naloxone Kits, including where to get one, when to use one, how to use one, and who to contact.
Naloxone Kit Video – How to Obtain
Naloxone Kit Video – How to Administer
Naloxone Kit Video – Recovery Position
Session Lead: Claire
Volunteers: Roxanne Boodhoo, Brodie Gies-MacNeil, Miranda Wysoczanski, Adam Poulin, Claire Poulin
Wellness Break Activities!
Wellness Break: Intro & Reflection on Burnout
Wellness Break: The Power of Music
Wellness Break: Nutrition & Cooking
PPE How To
This mini-session covers important information about Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), including how to properly put on, wear, and remove PPE.
Session Lead: Aly (Alanna)
Volunteers: Roxanne Boodhoo, Brodie Gies-MacNeil, Heidi Tuszkiewicz, Mackenzie Musicco, Julia Burns, Félix Lavigne, Manon Valiquette, Tyler Pretty, Jenna Robert, Aly Pullen
Section II: Career Panel
Considering a career in the healthcare field? Then this section is for you! Our career panel will discuss what they do, the advantages and challenges of their job, as well what educational path they followed.
Janjulee Ellis
Speech-Language Pathologist reg. CASLPO
HBHSc Specialization Rehabilitation Sciences | Western University
MSpPathSt | The University of Queensland
Joby Quiambao
Registered Dietitian (RD)
Maamwesying North Shore Community Health Services
Dr. George McKay
Emergency Medicine | DRHC
Dr. Kara Nadeau
General Surgery Resident
Medical School Student Volunteer Profiles
Meet our Medical School Student Volunteers!
We are very thankful for our medical student volunteers who are taking time out of their busy schedule to share their knowledge and experiences with our campers. They are a great example of NOSM’s dedication to world class education for the North, by the North.
Brianna-Lee (Breezy) Beaudry
My name is Breezy Beaudry, and I am entering into my third year at NOSM. I am originally from Kelowna, BC and completed my Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology at the University of Victoria. I loved my undergraduate degree where my curiosity for the human body pushed me to want to find a career in the health field. I feel very fortunate to be a student at NOSM where I am building fundamental skills and knowledge, but am also in a program immersed in community. At the moment my top interests include the field of Surgery and Emergency Medicine, and I look forward to exploring clinical medicine throughout my upcoming eith (8) month placement in Temiskaming Shores.
Je m’appelle Breezy Beaudry et bientôt je commence ma troisième année à l’EMNO. Je suis née à Kelowna, CB et j’ai réussi mon baccalauréat de Kiné à l’Université de Victoria. Grâce à mes études, j’ai su que je voulais un métier dans le domaine de la santé. À date, je suis contente avec le programme de l’EMNO où j’ai l’opportunité d’apprendre les fondamentaux de la médicine avec une accentuation d’immersion dans ma nouvelle communauté. En ce moment je suis surtout intéressée par la médicine d’urgence et la chirurgie. J’ai hâte de commencer mon stage cette année à Temiskaming Shores.
Tamika Hamlet
My name is Tamika Hamlet, and I am a 3rd-year student at NOSM. I was born and raised in Smooth Rock Falls and spent some of my childhood in Oakville. I graduated from the University of McMaster in Biology and Arts and Science (double major). I am currently part of the Canadian Armed Forces as a medical student and want to become a Family Physician.
Je m’appelle Tamika Hamlet, et je suis une étudiante dans ma 3e année à l’EMNO. J’étais élevée à Smooth Rock Falls quand j’étais jeune fille, donc j’ai agrandit là et aussi à Oakville, où mes parents vivent actuellement. J’ai obtenu mon diplôme universitaire de l’Université de McMaster, en Biochimie et la programme d’arts et sciences (une double concentration). Je fais partie des forces armées canadiennes, comme étudiante en médecine, et je veux être un médecin de famille.
Brooke Raycraft
My name is Brooke Raycraft, and I am a medical student at NOSM in Thunder Bay going into my third year! I am originally from Bracebridge, ON. I did my university degree in Health Sciences at Laurier and then did a Master’s degree in Chemistry at Western University. After completing my degrees, I worked for two years waitressing and as a Quality Control Technician in the lab at a brewery. In my spare time I enjoy hiking, golfing, gardening, and hitting the gym! My future career goal is to become a rural family physician with advanced skills in obstetrics and mental health.
Mathieu Rheault-Henry
Hi everyone! My name is Mathieu and I’ll be one of your camp leads for the 2020 Camp Med! I was born and raised in Sudbury, graduated from École Secondaire du Sacré-Coeur, and began my Undergraduate studies in Health Promotion at Laurentian University! Once I graduated, I was accepted to NOSM and I have just completed my first year. I remember taking part in Camp Med in grade 9 and looking back at it, it was an invaluable experience and one of the main reasons I found my path to medical school! I’m looking forward to meeting you all! 🙂
Bonjour tout le monde! Je m’appelle Mathieu et je serai l’un des chefs d’équipe lors de Camp Med 2020! J’ai grandi à Sudbury, gradué de l’École secondaire du Sacré-Coeur et j’ai commencé mes études universitaires dans le programme de promotion de la santé à l’Université Laurentienne! Une fois diplômé, j’ai été accepté à l’EMNO et je viens de terminer ma première année. Je me souviens d’avoir participé au Camp Med en 9e année et en y repensant, ce fut une expérience enrichissante et l’une des raisons principales pour lesquelles j’ai trouvé mon chemin vers l’école de médecine! Au plaisir de vous rencontrer tous! 🙂
Stephanie Stevens
My name is Stephanie Stevens, and I am a Y3 UME student at NOSM! I was born and raised in Thunder Bay, completing my HBSc Biology major at Lakehead University. My goal is to become a family physician working in Northwestern Ontario – I love the broad scope of practice and I look forward to meeting the needs of the community I will serve one day! In my spare time I love to read, bake, hike, cycle, spend time with my family and binge watch TV series with my fiancée and two cats!
University Student Volunteer Profiles
We are so grateful for our team of university student volunteers who are working hard to bring you this year’s Virtual CampMed! These talented students have put together live sessions and supplementary content videos aimed at educating and entertaining campers interested in a career in the healthcare field.
Roxanne Boodhoo
My name is Roxanne Boodhoo. I currently live in Sudbury, but I am originally from Vaughan, Ontario. I’ve completed my Psychology undergraduate degree with Honours. I am a graduate research student and teaching assistant at Laurentian University, currently working on a MSc in Biology. I have a strong interest in and love of medicine, as well as a passion for volunteering, community involvement, healthcare, ethics, and mental health. I am extremely excited about CampMed 2020 this year and about working with the other volunteers in this journey through the virtual-camp platform. I feel especially excited to be connecting and participating with younger students who have an interest in entering the healthcare field, and I hope to connect and share my own personal experiences and knowledge with my colleagues and campers.
Julia Burns
My name is Julia Burns, and I am entering my second year of Nursing at Laurentian University. Outside of school, I am a lifeguard/swim instructor and I play trombone in a variety of community ensembles. I am very excited to be a volunteer with NOSM’s CampMED this year and am looking forward to working with all of the participants!
Carlo Circelli
My name is Carlo Circelli and I will be entering my fourth year of Kinesiology in the Fall at Laurentian University. I was born in Sudbury and have decided to stay in the north to pursue a career in health care, specifically medicine at NOSM. In my spare time, I enjoy anything outdoors, such as hiking, camping, and canoeing. This is my first year volunteering with CampMed and I look forward to meeting you all!
Thea Courchesne
Hello everyone, my name is Thia Courchesne and I am from Timmins, Ontario! I’ve recently completed my first year at the University of Ottawa in the Honours Bachelor’s in Health Sciences program, and I am hoping to apply to Northern Ontario School of Medicine once I’ve completed my undergraduate degree. I’m honoured to have the opportunity to volunteer at this year’s virtual CampMed, I am excited to share my knowledge and passion for health care and medicine within these sessions with the ambitious participants!
Brodie Gies-MacNeil
My name is Brodie Gies-MacNeil and I am entering the fourth year of my Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Cambrian College. I enjoy spending my time as an on-ice hockey official, working as a PSW, and broadening my medical knowledge and experience. I am looking forward to working with the students of CampMed in this year’s new delivery method!
Emma Hay
My name is Emma! I am a student at Lakehead University, pursuing my Honours Bachelor of Science in Biology in the direction of eventually attending medical school. In my free time I enjoy playing violin, reading, hiking, and coaching gymnastics.
Félix Lavigne
My name is Félix Lavigne and I was raised on a dairy farm in Englehart, Ont. I just recently finished my second year at Laurentian University in the Biomedical Biology program and hope to attend NOSM in the future.
Gabrielle McDonald
My name is Gabrielle McDonald! I am from North Bay and I am starting my fourth year of nursing at Nipissing University. I am passionate about health sciences and healthcare and cannot wait to share the Virtual CampMed experience with everyone this year!
Mackenzie Musicco
Hi! My name is Mackenzie Musicco and I am completing my undergraduate degree in Radiation Therapy at Laurentian University. I am involved in a lot of community based volunteer programs to help those in my community. I have always been interested in the science and healthcare field and wanted to share my knowledge and love for science by volunteering with CampMed this year!
Matthew Novello
Hello everyone! My name is Matthew Novello, and I am a dental student at Western University and the lead for the Virology and Immunology session. I was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie and enjoy science, country music, and the outdoors!
Hailey O’Grady
My name is Hailey, and I am a recent graduate from the Health Promotion Program at Laurentian University. I was born and raised in Sudbury, and have had great opportunities volunteering and working in the health field in my community. I decided to volunteer with CampMed this year to share my knowledge and passion for health and the healthcare field with younger, aspiring students. I cannot wait to share my thoughts and knowledge, as well as my academic and volunteer experiences with younger students hoping to enter the health field!
Andrea Pintar
Hi there! My name is Andrea Pintar and I’m from Timmins, ON. I’m going into my 4th year of Biology and Medical Sciences at Western University. I hope to give campers an amazing virtual experience at CampMed!
Adam Poulin
Hi, my name is Adam and I’m from Atikokan, Ontario. My incredible experience as a participant in CampMed inspired me to pursue a degree in human biology, and I hope that as a volunteeer I can help give the same outstanding experience to another student. I, along with my twin sister Claire, am planning on applying to NOSM’s MD program in 2022, and it is our ambition to enrol in the program together.
Claire Poulin
Hello my name is Claire, and my goal in volunteering with NOSM CampMed is to continue my partnership with NOSM, having been a CampMed participant (2016), CampMed volunteer (2020), and NOSM applicant (2022). My twin brother Adam and I often work together on complex problems and look forward to the challenge of creating a virtual CampMed with the rest of the team. We also hope to one day become doctors that have been educated by NOSM!
Tyler Pretty
Hi all! My name is Tyler Pretty and this year I will be entering my fourth year of the Francophone Nursing program at Laurentian University! I am born and raised in Sudbury and like to spend most of my free time playing sports, binge watching my favourite Netflix series’, or volunteering in my community! I am extremely excited to be a part of the all new Virtual CampMed format this year! I look forward to sharing my knowledge, thoughts and experiences with you all!
Bonjour à vous tous! Je me nomme Tyler Pretty et cette année je m’embarque dans ma 4e année du programme de Sciences Infirmières ici à l’Université Laurentienne. Je suis né et élevé ici à Sudbury et je passe mon temps libre en jouant aux sports, regardant mes séries préféré sur Netflix ou en agissant comme bénévole avec plusieurs organisme communautaire! J’ai hâte de faire parti du programme CampMed en tant que bénévole cette année afin que je puisse vous partager mes connaissances, mes pensées ainsi que mes expériences! À bientôt!
Alanna (Aly) Pullen
Hello, my name is Alanna (Aly) Pullen, and I connect with CampMed Students as I was one myself in 2013. I understand the importance of educating and inspiring the youth of Northern Ontario as I come from the small town of Hornepayne. At Cambrian College, I learned the importance of Patient Care, Advocacy, & Education. My in-depth training in Radiological Technology has provided me with a unique insight to what this profession entails, how it assists patients with care & treatment, and what it is like to work in a healthcare setting. My devotion to the Medical Radiation Sciences resulted in my being recognized as the Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Sciences(OAMRS) Student Award recipient. I am currently finishing my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and hope to pursue more health science related education in the future.
Jenna Robert
Hello, my name is Jenna, and as a recent graduate from the radiation therapy program at Laurentian University, with a strong background in sciences, I am passionate about the provision of optimal patient-centered care. I am also passionate about community-involvement and I enjoy volunteering with a variety of populations in Sudbury.
Caleb Robinson-Ethier
Hi there! My name is Caleb Robinson-Ethier and I am from Timmins, Ontario. I am entering my second year of study at the University of Ottawa in the program of Health Sciences. My ultimate goal is to pursue medical school at NOSM after my undergrad. I love learning new things as well as teaching others, and I am thrilled to be able to do so by volunteering at CampMed!
Janani Sathiaselan
Hello, my name is Janani Sathiaselan and I am currently completing a bachelor’s degree in Biology at Western University. I am very excited to be volunteering with CampMed this year! I enjoy working in teams, love to learn and teach, and am passionate about healthcare equity and ethics, and mental health. When I am not reading, I enjoy running and crafting.
Chloe Smith
My name is Chloe Smith, I am an Indigenous student currently going into my final year of a BSc Hon in Global Health at York University. I am passionate about improving health care in northern and rural Ontario by examining socio-political factors and policy reform.
Charley Truyens
Hello, my name is Charley Truyens and I first heard about CampMed through friends that had volunteered as counsellors, and I knew immediately that I wanted to get involved as well. I wish that I could have had the opportunity to attend a program like CampMed in high school so that I could discover more about the Health Sciences field, learn from University students about their experiences, and gain any insight that they have to offer as that kind of exposure is so valuable! I am grateful that I now have the opportunity to share my experiences and insights with younger students.
Heidi Tuszkiewicz
Hi everyone! My name is Heidi Tuszkiewicz. I am finishing up a Certificate in Gerontology this summer as well as am going into my final year of Chemical Engineering at Laurentian University in the fall. I am also on the track and cross country team at Laurentian! I am looking forward to volunteering with CampMed this summer!
Miranda Wysoczanski
Hello everyone, my name is Miranda. I recently graduated from the Kinesiology Program at Laurentian University and I will be starting my MSc in Clinical Anatomy & Cell Biology at Western this fall. Having been born and raised in Sudbury ON, I cultivated a passion for the outdoors as well as having the opportunity to work as a Standardized Patient at NOSM throughout my undergrad. I decided to volunteer for this year’s CampMed as I recognize the importance of educating students on rural and northern healthcare, and I am very excited to take what I have learnt throughout my four years at Laurentian to provide some valuable insight to inspire today’s youth to pursue a career in health sciences. I am looking forward to meeting with you all!
Manon Valiquette
Hi everyone! My name is Manon, and I am a recent graduate from the Biochemistry program at Laurentian University. Currently, I am completing my first year of an M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences at Laurentian. Being rooted in the North, specifically Sudbury, I’ve had a number of opportunities working and volunteering in my community. As a result, I am very cognizant of the social determinants of health and health inequities that are inherent to people living in the North. By sharing my knowledge and experiences with Northern Ontario, rural and remote high school students who, like myself, have a strong interest in health sciences and medicine, I hope to inspire them to become future physicians, especially here in the North. Despite the challenges brought upon us by COVID-19, I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this year’s Virtual CampMed!
This year, we decided to open Virtual CampMed to all Northern Ontario high school students (must have at least completed Grade 9) who want to participate. NOTE: Registration for the Virtual CampMed 2020 live sessions is now closed.
Those who attended five (5) or more live sessions received a Virtual CampMed 2020 Certificate via email in the first week of August 2020.
Follow us on social media:
You can also stay up to date by following our student-led Instagram NOSM_FutureMD’s for event information, advice, and to experience a day in the life of a student at NOSM U!