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CampMed 2019

Black and white CampMed logo. Top left: image of a handshake. Top right: image of a compass. Banner across the middle with the words "CampMed". Bottom left : image of a caduceus. Bottom right: image of world globe held by two hands

This year (2019) marked the fourteenth year that NOSM has hosted week-long summer camps for high school students interested in a career in healthcare. Formerly known as NOSM’s Health Sciences Summer Camp, CampMed features new branding and a renewed focus on four core learning areas.


Since 2006, CampMed has been inspiring the next generation to consider a career in health care:

676 campers from 103 communities

  • 14 have since been admitted to UME Program
  • 168 Indigenous (self-declared)
  • 232 Francophone (self-declared)

45 university student/graduate volunteers (since 2016) from 16 communities

  • 8 have since been admitted to UME Program
  • 3 Indigenous (self-declared)
  • 14 Francophone (self-declared)

We hope that you will consider contributing to this important work of inspiring the youth of Northern Ontario to see themselves as the health care professionals of tomorrow. Use the Donate Now! button below to complete a donation form. Please select “CampMed” from the Designation drop down list when completing the form.

Read about the impact/influence CampMed can have on the career path of a student here.

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About CampMed

Black and white CampMed logo. Top left: image of a handshake. Top right: image of a compass. Banner across the middle with the words "CampMed". Bottom left : image of a caduceus. Bottom right: image of world globe held by two hands
CampMed is founded on four pillars of learning. From top left and going clock wise, the icons in the new branding represent interprofessionalism, leadership, culture, and clinical skills—the knowledge and skills that students gain from attending CampMed.



Participants attending CampMed learn the importance of interprofessionalism in health-care settings by learning about various health careers and how those professionals work together to ensure the well-being and health of patients. The majority of the interprofessional learning at CampMed is provided by the health-care professionals who participate in the career fair as well as their mentors who are the NOSM’s students and undergraduate student volunteers from Northern Ontario.d:

Throughout the week, the CampMed participants are provided with opportunities to observe the leadership skills of their mentors to build on their own leadership skills set as they are placed in situations that give them a safe setting to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves to lead.

At CampMed, participants will learn about Francophone and Indigenous health and culture in ways that will broaden their understanding of health needs of Northern Ontario. In simple terms they learn what it means to be a socially accountable health professional. These cultural competencies are woven throughout the week-long curriculum.

Clinical skills
CampMed offers participants a unique opportunity to get hands-on experience by learning medical and health sciences clinical skills, such as casting, inserting an NG tube, suturing, etc.

What to Expect at CampMed

Explore the activities you have the opportunity to take part in while attending CampMed!

Sudbury CampMed Agenda Thunder Bay CampMed Agenda

Deadlines, Dates & Locations


The deadline to apply to CampMed 2019 was April 11, 2019. Selection of campers was completed by April 30, 2019.

The deadline to submit the $400 registration fee for CampMed 2019 was June 14, 2019

Dates and Locations

CampMed 2019 at Laurentian University Campus in Sudbury: July 8 – July 12, 2019

CampMed 2019 at Lakehead University Campus in Thunder Bay: July 15 – July 19, 2019


Selected applicants were required to submit a non refundable registration fee of $400. This included costs for the weeks activities as well as lunches and snacks.

Transportation and accommodation were the responsibility of the participant.

How to Apply

The application for CampMed 2019 is now closed. Applications for CampMed 2020 will open in March 2020.


CampMed accepts applications from high school students who:

  • Are going into grades 10 and 11 in September of the year of camp
  • Live in Northern Ontario or other rural and remote parts of Canada
  • Submit a completed application with all required documentation by the application deadline

How to Apply

Submit the following application documents to

  • Completed application form (2 pages)
  • Three essays (see application form for essay questions)
  • Reference letter from your education director, teacher, guidance counselor, principal, or member of the community/organization in which you are an active member (coach, music teacher, supervisor or volunteer activity, etc.) Ensure that your reference provides comments on why you should be considered for one of the limited spots at NOSM’s CampMed.

NOTE: Scanned copies or photos are acceptable for submission.

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