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Collection Management


The Health Sciences Library of the NOSM University collects materials that support the research of our faculty, as well as our academic programs.

In addition, we are committed to building a collection that reflects NOSM University’s commitment to social accountability within Northern Ontario and the diverse populations it encompasses.

View our Collection Management Policy.

Scope of the Collection

1) Language: English is the primary language of our collection.
2) Source of Publications: We collect mainly from publishers in Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia.
3) Currency: Supporting teaching and research in medicine demands current material. As such, we emphasize collecting material with the most recent publication date. We may consider previous editions of a text that is of historical significance or proven suitable by a content expert.

Types of Material Collected

1) Books: emphasis on monographs
2) Multimedia: video and sound
3) Continuing resources: series and periodicals
4) Indexing and full text databases

Due to our distributed campuses priority will always be given to the electronic version of a given item. Print material will only be considered where no other reasonable alternative can be found. Point of care resources intended for use during clinical encounters are also purchased when they offer unique content not already found within our collection.

Subject Areas that NOSM University Collects

We collect material that supports the general requirements of an undergraduate and postgraduate medical curriculum, as well as any other educational program(s) offered by NOSM University.


Some exceptions will be made for material directly relating to the institution of NOSM University and individual requests, however, the following types of items will not be actively collected:

1) Popular literature on consumer health
2) Conference and symposium proceedings
3) Theses or dissertations from other institutions
4) Trade publications

Donations to the Collection

The Library Endowment Fund supports the purchase of resources that are indispensable to the education of our students. Library support is essential to ensuring that our faculty and students have access to the most relevant and current health resources possible as well as the rapidly growing volume of research evidence. The rapidity of medical publishing, and the corresponding impact to treatment, makes the currency and access to quality information paramount to health care. Please contact for more information.

At this time, the Health Sciences Library is not accepting print material donations.

Deselection of Material

As stated above, teaching and research in medicine demands current material. To this end we apply the following criteria on a regular basis to deselect obsolete and out of date material from the collection. Exceptions apply to unique materials relating directly to the institution of NOSM University and materials related to the history of medicine.

1) Remove duplicate copies unless it is a book that is used for Academic Reserves. When removing the duplicate give preference to hardcover and/or the volume in the best physical condition.
2) Multiple editions of textbooks – keep the two most recent editions. If we hold the newest edition electronically keep only the newest print edition.
3) Remove books that are in poor physical condition
a. If a book has high usage but is in poor condition it will be considered for re-ordering.
4) Physical multimedia items that are not in disc format (ex: BluRay, DVD, Compact Disc) should be considered for removal.
5) If a book has not circulated in the last five calendar years it will be considered for removal.
6) Do not denude any one subject area.
7) Consider retaining historical treatments of a subject. Within the NLM classification scheme they are usually given as X 11/X 11.1 (ex: WM 11 or WB 11.1).
8) Only keep the two newest years of directories.
9) Discard any print journals that is subscribed to electronically.