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Fred Cass – Cass Family Indigenous Scholarship

When considering where to donate, I began with a vague thought about an area of the province where I felt a donation might be put to best use and have a positive impact. Being from southern Ontario, it was my perception that in many Northern Ontario communities, it is challenging to make available essential services—services that are taken for granted in southern Ontario. It was this concern which brought the Indigenous communities in Northern Ontario to the forefront of my thinking.

I thought more about improving the provision of essential services for Indigenous communities in Northern Ontario, I came to the conclusion that good health care is one of the most important services—if not the most important—that should be available to everyone.

I turned to the internet to find out whether my idea about funding for Indigenous students attending medical school in Northern Ontario was realistic.  Needless to say, I was extremely pleased when my internet search came up with details about the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and the School’s dream that all Northern Ontarians have access to quality health care.

This donation has turned into an amazing journey of discovery for me.  Having lived my whole life in southern Ontario, I’ve learned many wonderful things about Northern Ontario and the great work being done at NOSM. I’ve learned about the particular mission and purpose that led to the establishment of the School; NOSM’s focus on programs for Indigenous peoples; how students at the School actually get out and work in the communities; and, last but certainly not least, that a high percentage of graduates from the School do indeed stay on to practise medicine in Northern Ontario.

To help support the Cass Family Scholarship, please make your donation below.  All donations are tax deductible.