A Message from the Program Director: Hello, Bonjour, Boozhoo, Thank you for your interest in the NOSM University Postgraduate General Surgery Program. Our unique program offers residents a comprehensive training experience which will create safe, competent, and respected general surgeons. Over the course of their training, residents will be exposed to the practice of surgery in various settings ranging from academic centres located in Sudbury and Thunder Bay to smaller urban and rural centres located in Sault Ste Marie, North Bay, and Huntsville. At the completion of residency, residents will have obtained the necessary skill set to enter directly into surgical practice or pursue further subspecialty fellowship training. We look forward to welcoming you into the NOSM University General Surgery Program family and joining you on your journey to being a general surgeon! Dr. Andrew Smith Hons BSc, MD, FRCSC Program Director, Postgraduate General Surgery Residency Program, NOSM University