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Faculty Biographies

Division Head

Boreham, Douglas, B.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD (Ottawa)
Professor, Radiation Biology
NOSM U – East Campus
Ionizing Radiation Health Effects

Full Time Faculty

Khaper, Neelam, B.Sc. (Pune), M.Sc. (Manitoba), PhD (Manitoba)
Associate Professor, Physiology
NOSM U – East Campus
Redox regulation and cardiomyopathy

Kovala, Tom, B.Sc. (Western), PhD (Western)
Associate Professor, Biochemistry
NOSM U – East Campus
Molecular signaling pathways in the regulation of angiogenesis; cancer drugs

Lees, Simon, B.H.K. (British Columbia), M.Sc. (Virginia Tech), PhD (Virginia Tech)
Associate Professor, Physiology/Cell Biology
NOSM U – West Campus
Regulation of skeletal muscle stem cell function in aging and disease; Skeletal muscle regeneration and metabolism

MacLean, David, B.Sc. (Guelph), M.Sc. (Guelph), PhD (Guelph) 
Professor, Physiology
NOSM U – East Campus
Regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow during hypoxia; regulation of protein and amino acid metabolism during end stage disease states

Moise, Alexander R. B.Sc. Hon. (British Columbia), PhD (British Columbia)
Associate Professor, Pharmacology
NOSM U – East Campus
Role of vitamins and micronutrients in health and disease – focusing on congenital and cardiovascular disorders

Newhouse, Donna, H.B.P.E. (Brock), M.Sc. (Lakehead), PhD Candidate (Lakehead)
Lecturer, Anatomy/Physiology
NOSM U – West Campus

Ross, Gregory, B.Sc. (Simon Fraser), PhD (McMaster)
Professor, Physiology/Neuroscience
NOSM U – East Campus
Plasticity in the nervous system

Ross, Brian, B.Sc. (Glasgow) Honours (Glasgow), PhD (Glasgow) 
Professor, Neuropharmacology
NOSM U – West Campus
Cell signaling mechanisms in brain disorders

Simard, Alain R., B.Sc. (Laurentian U.), M.Sc. (Laurentian U.), PhD (U. Laval)
Associate Professor, Immunology
NOSM U – East Campus
Endogenous mechanisms of immune regulation; inflammation; neurodegenerative diseases

Suntres, Zacharias, B.Sc. (Western), PhD (Western)
Professor, Pharmacology/Toxicology
NOSM U – West Campus
The role of oxidants and antioxidants in health and disease; drug delivery systems markers and metastatic breast cancer; the mechanisms underlying monocyte activation

Tai, T.C., B.Sc. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Toronto), PhD (Toronto)
Professor, Physiology/Pharmacology
NOSM U – East Campus
Fetal programming of adult diseases; pathogenesis of hypertension; catecholamine neurotransmitter regulation

Tharmalingam, Sujeenthar, B.Sc. (Toronto), PhD (Toronto)
Assistant Professor, Molecular Biology
NOSM U – East Campus
Molecular radiation biology; mechanisms of tumorigenesis and cancer development; integrative “omics” based approaches for the identification of novel molecular mechanisms in cell biology; epigenetics

Thome, Christopher, B.M.Sc. (London), M.Sc. (Hamilton), PhD (Hamilton)
Assistant Professor, Radiation Biology
NOSM U – East Campus
Biological effects of low dose ionizing radiation; mechanisms of radiation induced cataracts; effects of sub-natural background radiation exposure; applications of ionizing radiation in cancer therapy

Ulanova, Marina, MD, PhD (N.I. Pirogov Memorial Moscow State Institute of Medicine), M.Sc. (USSR Academy of Medical Sciences), PhD (USSR Academy of Medical Sciences), PhD (Göteborg)
Professor, Immunology
NOSM U – West Campus
Inflammatory processes in the airways and lungs

Joint and Cross Appointed Faculty

Parissenti, Amadeo, B.Sc. (Guelph), PhD (York Canada)
Professor, Biochemistry
NOSM U – East Campus – Joint
Northeast Cancer Centre of Health Sciences North, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, and Laurentian University Multi-drug resistance in human breast cancer

Dorman, Sandra, B.Sc. (Guelph), PhD (McMaster) 
Professor, Physiology/Pharmacology
NOSM U – East Campus – Cross Appointed
Experimental investigations examining the link between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems in human studies

Kumar, Aseem, PhD (Toronto) 
Professor, Molecular and Medical Genetics
NOSM U – East Campus – Cross Appointed
Identification and characterization of sepsis molecular signaling pathways

Saleh, Mazen, B.Sc. (Waterloo), M.Sc. (Waterloo), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor, Medical Microbiology
NOSM U – East Campus – Cross Appointed
Molecular pathogenesis in tuberculosis and other lung infections

Stipendiary Faculty

Albert, Mitchell,  B.Sc. (New York), PhD (New York)
Professor, Chemistry/Radiology
NOSM U – West Campus
Basic and applied biomedical sciences and medical biotechnology

Brabant-Kirwan, Danielle,  B.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD (Laurentian)
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry/Biomolecular Science
NOSM U – East Campus

Cuttler, Jerry, B.Eng. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Israel), D.Sc. (Haifa)
Associate Professor, Biophysics & Imaging Guided Interventions
NOSM U – East Campus
Radiation detector manufacturing, health affects of ionizing radiation, radiation-induced beneficial health effects

Dixon, Dani-Louise, PhD (Flinders University)
Associate Professor, Immunology & Philosophy
NOSM U – East Campus
Immunomodulators in Human Milk: the Effect of Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Atopy

Dolling, Jo-Anna, PhD (Ottawa)
Assistant, Molecular & Cytogenetics
NOSM U – East Campus
Biological effects of low dose ionizing radiation; Genetics of haematological malignancies

Eibl, Joe B.Sc. (Laurentian), M.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD Candidate (Laurentian), Post-Doc Fellow (NOSM)
Assistant Professor, Microbiology & Immunology
NOSM U – East Campus

Fenton, Tanis, B.Sc. (Alberta), M.Sc. (Toronto), PhD (Calgary)
Professor, Biochemistry
NOSM U – East Campus

Fong, Alexis, B.Sc. (Laurentian), M.Sc. , PhD  (Laurentian)
Lecturer, Biomedical Science
NOSM U – East Campus

Gupta, Nishi, B.Sc. Pharm (Waterloo)
Lecturer, Pharmacology
NOSM U – East Campus

Jacob, Chitra, MBBS (Medical College), DCH (Royal College of Pediatrics) MRCPCH (Royal College of Pediatrics)
Lecturer, Pediatrics
NOSM U -West Campus

Lalonde, Christine, BBA (Newfoundland), B.Sc. (Nippissing), M.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD (Laurentian)
Lecturer, Pharmacology
NOSM U – East Campus

Larivière, Céline, B.Sc. (Laurentian), M.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD (Ottawa)
Professor, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry
NOSM U – East Campus

Le, Hoang-Thanh, PhD (University of Paris-Sud) 
Assistant Professor, Organic Chemistry
NOSM U – East Campus
Peptide; Pseudo-peptide; Physico-chemical characterization of peptide, protein and drug; Proteomics; Vaccine; Vaccine formulation; Drug delivery; lipid vesicle delivery system; lyophilization process

Lemon, Jennifer, PhD (McMaster University)
Assistant Professor, Radiation Biology
NOSM U – East Campus

Leszczynski, Konrad, PhD FCCPM
Associate Professor, Medical Physics
NOSM U – East Campus
Intensity modulated and image-guided radiation therapy, digital image reconstruction and processing, and risks from radiation exposure

MacKenzie, Sarah, B.Sc. Pharm (Toronto), M.Sc. (Laurentian), B.Sc. (Brock)
Lecturer, Pharmacology
NOSM U – East Campus

Mallory, Frank, B.Sc. (Laurentian), M.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD (Guelph)
Professor, Biology
NOSM U – East Campus

McGhee, Peter B.Sc. (Nova Scotia), M.Sc. (Guelph), PhD (Guelph)
Associate Professor, Physics
NOSM U – West Campus
Medical and Nuclear Physics

Mirzakhanian, Lalegeh B.Sc. (Nova Scotia), M.Sc. (Guelph), PhD (Guelph)
Assistant Professor, Physics
NOSM U – East Campus

Moody-Corbett, Penny, B.Sc. (Dalhousie), M.A.(New Brunswick), M.Sc. (McGill),  PhD (McGill)
Professor, Physiology & Biology
NOSM U – East Campus

Morin, Kristen A MPH (Queen’s),  PhD (Laurentian)
Assistant Professor, Health Services Research, Mental Health and Addictions
NOSM U – East Campus
Epidemiology, large administrative cohort studies, patient-oriented research, mental health, addictions, northern and rural health, policy

Oliver, Michael, B.A.Sc. (Queen’s), PhD (Western)
Assistant Professor, Medical Physics/Radiation Oncology
NOSM U – East Campus
Optimization of radiation therapy treatments; Image guided radiation therapy

O’Reilly, Deirdre, B.Sc. Pharm. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Queen’s)
Lecturer, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
NOSM U – East Campus

Provost, Daniel, B.Sc. (Concordia), M.Sc. (Concordia), PhD (Massachusetts)
Assistant Professor, Medical Physics
NOSM U – East Campus

Rapley, Patrick H.B.Sc. (Western), M.Sc. (Lakehead), PhD (Carleton)
Assistant Professor, Physics
NOSM U – West Campus

Santi, Stacey, B.A. (Laurentian), B.Sc. (Laurentian), M.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD (Ottawa)
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry
NOSM U – East Campus

Spitz, Douglas B.A. (Grinnell), PhD (Iowa)
Professor, Biology
NOSM U – East Campus
Free radicals and oxidative stress in biology and medicine

Syed, Safura, B.Sc. (Western), M.Sc. (Mount Saint Vincent)
Lecturer, Biochemistry, Sociology & Nutrition and Aging
NOSM U – East Campus

Tatangelo, Mark, B.A. (Waterloo), MBA (Syracuse), PhD (Toronto)
Assistant Professor, Health Sciences Research
NOSM U – East Campus

Tavares, Isaac, B.Sc. (Lakehead), BE (Lakehead), M.Sc. (Laurentian)
Lecturer, Physics
NOSM U – West Campus

Venkataraman, Krishnan, B.Sc. (Vermont), M.Sc. (Vermont), PhD. (Vermont)
Associate Professor, Microbiology
NOSM U – East Campus

Verschoor, Christopher, B.Sc. (Guelph), M.Sc. (Guelph), PhD (Guelph)
Assistant Professor, Immunology
NOSM U – East Campus

Wood, Brianne, B.Sc.(H) (Queen’s), M.Sc. (Queen’s), PhD (U Ottawa)
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
NOSM U – West Campus
Learning health systems, primary health care, health Equity

Ybazeta, Gustavo, B.Sc.(5 year-UNMSM), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
NOSM U – East Campus
Wastewater surveillance epidemiology, relationship between pathogens and host targeting microbiomes and their correlations with clinical outcomes

Yu, Huan, Hons B.Sc. (Western), M.Sc. (Western)
Assistant Professor, Medical Physics
NOSM U – East Campus

Emeritus and Honorarius

Clulow, Victor, B.Sc. (Dunelm), M.Sc. (Ottawa), PhD (Ottawa)
Professor Honorarius, Anatomy
NOSM U – East Campus
Pituitary-adrenal function in mammals; pheromonal influences on maturation; environmental radioactivity

Falter, Hermann, B.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD (Cincinnati)
Professor Honorarius, Biochemistry
NOSM U – East Campus

Ferroni, Garry, B.Sc. (McMaster), M.Sc. (Waterloo), PhD (Waterloo)
Professor Emeritus, Medical Microbiology
NOSM U – East Campus
Antibiotic resistance in bacteria; environmental microbiology

Lannér, Carita, B.Sc. (Lund), M.Sc. (Ohio State), PhD (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)
Professor Emeritus, Molecular Genetics
NOSM U – East Campus
The role of DNA replication proteins in DNA damage in ovarian cells