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Faculty Listings & Biographies

Division Head

Boreham, Douglas, B.Sc. (Laurentian), PhD (Ottawa)
Professor, Radiation Biology
NOSM U – East Campus
Ionizing Radiation Health Effects

Full-Time Faculty

Adams-Carpino, Gayle, PhD, MSW, RSW, CYW
IPE OPSEU 1-Lecturer, Interprofessional Education
NOSM U – East Campus
Interprofessional Education Program Lead

Cameron, Erin, B.A. (Winnipeg), M.A. (Victoria), B.Ed. Hons. (Lakehead), Ph.D. (Lakehead)
Assistant Professor, Medical Education
NOSM U – West Campus
Medical Education and Curriculum Development

Hogard, Elaine, B.A. Hons. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Minnesota), M.Ed. (Alaska), Ph.D. (Kent State)
Professor, Program Evaluation
NOSM U – West Campus
Director of Assessment and Program Evaluation

Hudson, Geoffrey
, B.A. Hons. (McMaster), M.A. (McMaster), D.Phil. (Oxon.)
Associate Professor, Historian of Medicine
NOSM U – West Campus
Social History of Medicine; History of War and Medicine; Disability History; History of Medicine Program (NOSM)

Lanphear, Joel, B.A. (Western Washington), M.Ed. (Hawaii), Ph.D. (Michigan State)
Professor Emeritus, Education/Organizational Psychology
NOSM U – West Campus
Medical education; curriculum design; learning theory; organizational development

Maar, Marion, B.Sc. (Guelph), M.A. (Trent), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Professor, Medical Anthropology
NOSM U – East Campus
Aboriginal community health; collaborative community-based health research; ethics in cross cultural research; health services evaluation, community-based health initiatives, including FASD, diabetes and early childhood caries

Manitowabi, Darrel, B.A. (Laurentian), M.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Assistant Professor, Medical Anthropology
NOSM U – East Campus
Aboriginal health and well-being; community-based research methods and ethics; social determinants of health; diabetes; traditional medicine

McGregor, Lorrilee, Ph.D. (Laurentian), M.A. (Antioch), B.A. (Toronto)
Assistant Professor, Indigenous Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Indigenous research, pedagogy, strategic leadership and Indigenous community relations

Smith, Patricia, B.A. (Calgary), M.Sc. (Calgary), Ph.D. (Waterloo)
Associate Professor, Behavioral Medicine
NOSM U – West Campus
Tobacco cessation; inpatient behavioral interventions; individual and population health behavior change; population health; public health; systems-level change

Part-Time Faculty

Allain, Michelle, B.HSc. (Western), M.Sc. (Western)
Lecturer, Bioethics
NOSM U – West Campus

Barnett Robert, B.A. (Wilfrid Laurier and Nipissing), M.A. (Carleton)
Assistant Professor, Health Information
NOSM U – East Campus
Population health assessment; health services planning; statistical methodology; health informatics; mental health

Beyers, Joanne, R.D. B.A. M.A. (Ryerson Polytechnical Institute)
Lecturer, Public Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Public health and community nutrition expertise; child health; primary prevention of chronic diseases including eating disorders; survey development and systematic reviews

Boyko, Susan, MRT (T), B.A. (Manitoba), M.Ed. (Nipissing), Ph.D. (Brock)
Assistant Professor, Medical Education
NOSM U – East Campus
Undergraduate and health-care professional education, patient and family education, and learner and program evaluation. Current research areas: arts-based research, narrative safety, and person-centred care.

Brennan Mariette, JD Law (Ottawa), LLM (Essex), Ph.D. Law (York)
Assistant Professor, Law
NOSM U – West Campus
Public Health; Health Law

Crispo, James, PhD (Ottawa), M.Sc. (Laurentian), B.Sc. (Laurentian)
NOSM U – East Campus
Clinical and population epidemiology/biostatistics; molecular epidemiology

Dakubo, Crescentia, B.Sc. Hons. (K.N.U.S.T, Ghana), M.Sc.F. (Lakehead), Ph.D. (Carleton)
Assistant Professor, Health Geography
NOSM U – West Campus
Ecosystems and Human Health (Ecohealth); Ecosystem Approaches to Rural and Aboriginal Health; Community-Based Participatory Action Research; Critical Approaches to Public Health Research and Practice; Global Health

Damore-Petingola, Sheila, B.S.W. (Laurentian), M.S.W. (Laurentian)
Lecturer, Social Work
NOSM U – East Campus
Psychosocial and Supportive Care Oncology; Psychosocial intervention with youth experiencing a diagnosis of cancer in the family; development/facilitation of professionally led support groups. Qualified to teach Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction through the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Day, Adam, Hons. B.H.Sc. (Western), M.Sc. (Western), Ph.D. (Western)
Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Science
NOSM U – East Campus
Sub-Region Officer, Sudbury-Manitoulin-Parry Sound North East Local Health Integration Network

Dubé, Tim, B.A. Hons. (Laurentian), M.A. (Laurentian), Ph.D. (Laurentian)
Assistant Professor, Medical Education
NOSM U – East Campus
Qualitative research; mobile methods; northern and rural health; distributed community-engaged learning; medical students’ adaptation and transition processes during longitudinal integrated clerkships

Dubois, Sacha, B.A. (McMaster), M.P.H. (Lakehead)
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics and Research Methodology
NOSM U – West Campus
Biostatistics; Research Methodology

Gauthier, Alain, M.A. (Ottawa), Ph.D. (Laurentian)
Associate Professor, Human Kinetics
NOSM U – East Campus
Rural & Northern Health; Health Services and Policy Research

Healey, Gwen, Hons. B.Sc. (Queen’s), M.Sc. (Calgary), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Assistant Professor, Public Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Indigenous, community-based, and participatory action research methods.

Istvan, Peter, B.Sc. (Queen’s), M.Sc. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (Queen’s), M.B.A. (N. Carolina)
Assistant Professor, Health Administration
NOSM U – East Campus
Neurology, Physiology, Life Sciences

Kelecevic, Julija, PhD (Alberta), MD (Belgrade)
Assistant Professor
NOSM U – West Campus

Kristman, Vicki, B.Sc. (Guelph), M.Sc. (Queen’s), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
NOSM U – West Campus
Work disability prevention; social and organizational aspects of work; and, injury prevention and prognosis. CIHR New Investigator in Community-Based Primary Health Care

Laclé, Sandra, RN, B.N. (Memorial), M.Sc.N. (Western)
Lecturer, Public Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Public health; population health; health promotion; determinants of health; child health; school health; workplace health; chronic disease prevention

Leblanc, Joseph, B.N. (Memorial), M.Sc.N. (Western)
Assistant Professor, Indigenous Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Community health and well being; asset-based community development; food system change throughout the region

Lightfoot, Nancy, B.Sc. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Professor, Research Methods
NOSM U – East Campus
Public Health, epidemiology

Malaviarachchi, Darshaka, B.Sc. (Dalhousie), M.Sc. (Dalhousie)
Assistant Professor, Public Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Cardiovascular disease, nutrition, child health, environmental health, and epidemiological principles and methodology

Mongeau, Sherry, B.A. (Laurentian), M.A. (Laurentian), Ph.D. (Laurentian)
Assistant Professor, Occupational Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Occupational health; chronic health; WSIB; Rural and Northern Health

Morrison, Kathryn, B.Sc. (McMaster), M.A. (Waterloo), Ph.D. (Waterloo)
Assistant Professor, Clinical Bioethicist
NOSM U – East Campus
Applied philosophy, Ethics mediation and conflict resolution

Mushquash, Christopher, H.B.Sc. (Lakehead), M.A. (Lakehead), Ph.D. (Dalhousie)
Associate Professor, Psychology
NOSM U – West Campus
Aboriginal mental health, substance use

Okoronkwo, Chimere, BDS (Benin), MPH (Nigeria), M.Sc. (London)
Assistant Professor, Public Health
NOSM U – West Campus
Public Health, Program Evaluation, Health Systems Management

Sellick, Scott, B.A. (Lakehead), M.A. (Lakehead), Ph.D. (Alberta)
Associate Professor, Psychosocial Health
NOSM U – West Campus
Assessment of psychosocial distress (e.g., anxiety, depression) in the acutely and chronically ill; preferred styles of coping among cancer patients, end-of-life issues, ethics, and palliative care. Director of Supportive & Palliative Care, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Shaw, Nicola (Nikki), B.Sc.Hons. (Central Lancashire, UK), Ph.D. (Central Lancashire & Oxford University Postgraduate Medical Education & Training, UK), FBCS, CITP
Professor, Health Informatics
NOSM U – East Campus
Applied social research, disability studies, service dogs, medical sociology

St Onge, Renée
, B.A. (Laurentian), M.A. (Laurentian)
Lecturer, Public Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Public health, population health and the determinants of health, francophone health, French-language health services, health policy, women’s health, critical appraisal

Sutcliffe, Penny
, B.Sc. (Toronto), M.D. (Toronto)
Associate Professor, Public Health
NOSM U – East Campus
Public health systems; population health and determinants of health; communicable disease control; management

Tonkens, Ryan, PhD (York)
Associate Professor, Bioethics
NOSM U – West Campus
Philosophical bioethics; medical professionalism

Urajnik, Diana, B.Sc. (Laurentian), B.A. (Laurentian), M.A. (Laurentian), Ph.D. (Toronto)
Assistant Professor, Psychology
NOSM U – East Campus
Psychology; Human Development and Community Health (Health & Behavioural Sciences)

Varney, Tamara, B.Sc. (Trent), M.Sc. (Guelph), Ph.D. (Calgary)
Assistant Professor, Biological Anthropology
NOSM U – West Campus
Historical epidemiology, paleopathology/nutrition, forensic anthropology

Weaver, Bruce, B.A. (Guelph), M.Sc. (McMaster)
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
NOSM U – West Campus
Biostatistics and experimental psychology

Wenghofer, Elizabeth, B.Sc. (Guelph), M.Sc. (Guelph), Ph.D. (Toronto)
NOSM U – East Campus
Physician performance, medical regulation, continuing professional development, rural physicians and program evaluation

Yeo, Michael, B.A. (York), M.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Professor, Bioethics
NOSM U – East Campus

Full-Time Librarians

Campbell, Alanna, B.A. (Brock), MISt. (Toronto)
Lecturer, Information Sciences
NOSM U – East Campus
Information literacy instruction; emerging technologies and their implications/applications for library users; evidenced based medicine

Dumond, Jennifer, B.A. (Nipissing), M.L.I.S. (Dalhousie)
Lecturer, Information Sciences
NOSM U – West Campus
Effective searching and analytical evaluation of resources, information literacy instruction, and public services

Fink, Patricia, B.A. (Laurentian), M.A. (Laurentian), M.L.I.S. (Western Ontario)
Lecturer, Information Sciences
NOSM U – East Campus
Implications of teaching informatics in a distributed setting; licensing e-resources within partnerships and consortiums versus stand-alone strategies

Regalado, Sophie, B.A. (McMaster), M.A. (McMaster), MISt. (Toronto)
Lecturer, Information Sciences
NOSM U – West Campus
Expert literature searching utilizing systematic processes and specialized health/biomedical databases in support of evidence-based practices; education and information literacy of end users on concepts of literature searching and biomedical databases