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MedEd Café – Standardization and Contextualization: Important Considerations for NOSM

Posted on February 1, 2019

Event Date : 2019-02-07
Time : 09:30 am - 10:30 am
Location : NOSM at Lakehead University – MSW 2007 NOSM at Laurentian University – MSE 215

Webex Info:

Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number: 646 290 822
Join by phone: +1-855-699-3239 
Access code: 
646 290 822

Article for Discussion: Bates J, Schrewe B, Ellaway RH, Teunissen PW, Watling C. Embracing standardisation and contextualisation in medical education. Medical education. 2019 Jan;53(1):15-24. doi: 10.1111/medu.13740


The MedEd Café at NOSM creates opportunities to discuss and debate important topics in health professional education. It is an opportunity to enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea with colleagues interested in advancing all things teaching and learning at NOSM! Everyone is welcome to attend!