The NOSM U Sport and Exercise Medicine Enhanced Skills Program is not currently accepting applications for the 2025-26 academic year. The program will revisit its ability to take on resident candidates in the spring of 2025.
Program Objectives
The goal of the SEM program is to train residents in developing expertise in the practice of SEM. It will focus on developing a solid foundation of knowledge and ability in treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and sports-related medical issues in physically active people of all ages and levels of sport. It will expose trainees to functioning as a member and as a leader of a multidisciplinary health care team, where collaboration is essential for optimizing patient care and outcomes. Ultimately, it will prepare SEM residents to have the competence, confidence, and advanced skills necessary in sport and exercise medicine to become leaders in any community in which they choose to serve.
Curriculum and Academics
This unique SEM program will offer a multi-site training structure within a primarily horizontal based curriculum. It will follow a competency-based format which has been outlined by the CFPC’s Priority Topics and Key Features in SEM as well as the CFPC’s Core Professional Activities (CPA) for SEM.
Clinical Rotations
The SEM Program is a 12-month enhanced skills training program which will include clinical time in:
- Sport and Exercise Medicine
- Orthopedics/Sport Orthopedics
- Plastic Surgery
- Physiatry
- Emergency Medicine
- Rheumatology
- MSK Radiology
- Spine
- Electives
Our program recognizes the importance of maintaining and improving the SEM residents’ diverse skill set within Family Medicine throughout the PGY3 year. We will work with the SEM resident to develop a comprehensive educational plan ensuring a weekly clinic day in family medicine and/or other clinical opportunities for them based on their future practice intentions (ex. hospitalist medicine). The SEM resident will have input as to the sites of their rotations and types of electives they wish to experience to tailor their residency year to their needs.
The program will have exploring opportunities for residents to engage in event coverage throughout the fellowship year at the varsity and community level. These opportunities may include sport coverage for Ontario Hockey League teams, university sports teams, or other large-scale local events like triathlons or marathons.
Training Sites
The SEM program offers a multi-site training structure across Northern Ontario with clinical rotation opportunities available in locations such as but not limited to Thunder Bay, North Bay, Huntsville, Midland, Sudbury, and Sioux Lookout. Each training site offers unique learning opportunities from passionate SEM preceptors who have diverse interests and scopes of practice within both SEM and family medicine.
The duration of time at one site will typically last multiple consecutive blocks to limit travel, facilitate team/event coverage, promote continuity of care, and to build relationships with your future colleagues. As an example, a 2-4 block rotation in North Bay, ON will include 2-3 days of SEM clinics per week, with horizontal elective days in sport orthopedics, fracture clinic, orthopedic surgical assisting, emergency medicine, family medicine, and with various allied services (ex. sport physiotherapy, hand therapy, and sport dietician). Rotations at other sites will vary in duration, the number of SEM clinic days per week, and the horizontal elective opportunities based on what services are available at that location.
Funding is available through NOSM U for expenses associated with travel and housing.
Academic Programming
Formal teaching will occur throughout the year with academic half-days, weekly SEM teaching topics, and SEM Rounds. Residents will also have the possibility of attending rounds in subspecialty areas and via other programs or associations. The SEM program will offer a structured MSK ultrasound guided injections curriculum to assist with the development of MSK ultrasound skills. The program also hopes to include cadaver anatomy and/or US guided injection lab sessions throughout the year.
The SEM Program will require the fellow to complete Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) certification and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sports (CCES) Anti-Doping Program. In addition, Fellows will have some additional funding to attend one of the multiple conferences or courses that provide excellent educational opportunities:
- Sport First Responder Course,
- Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM) annual conference,
- CASEM Team Physician or Sideline Emergency Courses,
- Ontario Medical Association (OMA) Sport Medicine Conference,
- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Team Physician I & II,
- ACSM Advanced Team Physician Course,
- Harvard Sport Medicine Conference, and
- Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS).
Our program will offer practice Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) during the fellowship year to help the SEM resident prepare for the CASEM examination. At the completion of the PGY3 Family Medicine Enhanced Skills Program in SEM, it is expected that the Fellow will apply to write the CASEM exam and apply to the College of Family Physicians of Canada for a Certificate of Added Competence (CAC) in SEM.
Scholarly Activity Project
It is an expectation that the SEM resident will complete a resident scholarly project and present at SEM Rounds. Opportunities to teach NOSM U medical students and residents will be available throughout the fellowship.
How to Apply
The NOSM U SEM Program is seeking a SEM resident who is keen about SEM, and who is self-motivated, a strong communicator, and who anticipates working in a Northern, rural, or remote community upon the completion of the fellowship. We are looking for someone who is professional, enjoys working within a multi-disciplinary team, and strives to be a lifelong learner with a focus on practicing evidence-based medicine and utilizing continuous quality improvement.
To be eligible for the PGY3 enhanced skills SEM Program the candidate must be a PGY2 in a Canadian Family Medicine Residency Program at the time of application.
Applications to the SEM Program must be submitted through the CaRMS website at http://www.carms.ca
Residents will be notified by email of the success of their application.
Program Contacts
Dr. Shane Szalai
Interim Program Director, Sport and Exercise Medicine
Email: pdenhancedskills@nosm.ca
Lisa Patterson
Program Coordinator
PGY3 Enhanced Skills Programs
NOSM University – Thunder Bay
Tel: 807-766-7415
Email: lpatterson@nosm.ca