NOSM University offers a 6-month PGY3 residency in Obstetrical Surgical Skills (OSS). The program is offered under the Enhanced Skills in Family Medicine program. This is a competency-based program, designed for the learner to achieve all 12 core competencies, as defined by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). On successful completion the resident will be eligible for a Certificate of Added Competence in OSS. The curriculum is tailored to accommodate goal-directed learning. This program is an innovative residency offered throughout the north to prepare family physicians to work in generalist rural practice including obstetrical surgical skills. This program will prepare residents to practice outside tertiary care centres where there is less specialist support.
Teaching Sites
Residents in the OSS program will work in interdisciplinary settings throughout their training in the main teaching centres (Thunder Bay) and rural communities (New Liskeard or Sioux Lookout) providing them with broad-based exposure to a variety of practices.
Clinical Curriculum
The residency will provide a broad exposure and experience in the variety of practice styles and settings applicable to a focused practice in obstetrical care in hospital and community-based settings.
Clinical Rotation Schedule
- 4 to 8 weeks
- Generalist Family Practice with the supervision of an OSS specialist
- 16 weeks
- High volume specialist Obstetrics rotation with the supervision of royal college OB specialists.
- 4 weeks optional related elective.
- Up to 4 weeks of the 8 week Generalist FP OSS rotation can be taken as a related elective. In the past, residents have scheduled electives in OB ultrasound or neonatology.
- Longitudinal component with a national online curriculum.
- A national skills workshop and boot-camp
Scholarly Activities
Residents in the OSS program may attend a variety of rounds and academic courses. Depending on learning needs, residents may attend additional related rounds available through NOSM U.
Completion of scholarly project is also a mandatory component of the OSS residency program. The project is usually in the format of quality improvement, although other projects can be considered on application.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for NOSM U’s Enhanced Skills Programs candidates must be either:
- Currently enrolled as a PGY2 in a Canadian Family Medicine Residency Program at the time of application. Residents must start their PGY3 within 12 months of completing their PGY2 year.
- *A physician currently practising in Canada (for a minimum of 12 consecutive months) who meets program funding eligibility requirements according to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC).
*Note: Practising physicians interested in taking the program must apply separately through the MOHLTC Re-Entry Program. Additional information about the Re-Entry Program and application requirements are available on the MOHLTC Central Forms Repository.
Enhanced Skills Exam Policy for Entry
Postgraduate training appointment/entry into the NOSM University PGY3 Family Medicine Enhanced Skills program is conditional upon the candidate’s successful completion of the Family Medicine Certification Exam (CFPC exam). As such, NOSM U holds the right to terminate a candidate’s postgraduate training appointment and release them from any existing contracts/obligations to the program, should this requirement not be met by the anticipated training start date
How to Apply
The NOSM University Obstetrical Surgical Skills program participants in the FM/ES Match through the Canadian Residency Matching Service (CaRMS). Application to the program can be found by visiting the CaRMS website at http://www.carms.ca
One (1) completed Obstetrical Surgical Skills Questionnaire must be completed and included as part of the application to CaRMS.
Program Contacts
Dr. Allison Webb
Obstetrical Surgical Skills Enhanced Skills Program Director
Melanie Pilon
Program Coordinator
PGY3 Enhanced Skills Programs
NOSM University – Sudbury
Sudbury ON P3E 2C6
Tel: 705-662-7247
Email: mpilon@nosm.ca