Bienvenue dans le nouveau site Web de l’EMNO. Même si nous sommes en train de créer un site complètement bilingue, veuillez noter que seulement certaines pages existent en français en ce moment.
Welcome to our Community photo gallery. Here we showcase the dedication, teamwork, and camaraderie that make NOSM Urology so unique. From residents honing their skills in the OR to moments of connection at social gatherings. This is where you’ll find glimpses of the people and events that shape our program. Explore the photos and stay updated on the latest happenings within our urology community.
Welcome to the team Da Vinci! AKA Viny. The da Vinci Surgical System is a state-of-the-art robotic platform designed to facilitate minimally invasive surgical procedures. It enables surgeons to perform complex operations through small incisions with enhanced precision and control. This cutting-edge technology marks a significant step forward for our program, providing residents and faculty with advanced tools to perform minimally invasive surgeries with precision and efficiency.Dr. Amy Beevor-Potts had the opportunity to scrub in for laparoscopic nephrectomies during her very first month of residency. Guided by our Program Director, Dr. ShahrourDr. Rompotinos learning the technique of colon takedown, guided by our Program Director, Dr. Shahrour, and our outgoing fellow, Dr. Husain Alaradi.Always time for a selfie after surgery. Dr. Husain AlaradiEnjoying a meal with the program director and faculty is a great way to build connections, share experiences, and create lasting memories outside of the hospital setting. Dr. Shahrour, Dr. Shabana, Jennifer Turcotte-Russak – Director of Learner Support ServicesDr. Walid Shahrour demonstrating his Lap skills at our Surgical BootcampDr. Denis Rompotinos Dr. Harshad Telang sewing up pigs feet with our R1 surgical Residents at BootcampDr. Simon Sun teaching skills at BootcampHanging out with Ortho during our Yearly Surgical BootcampThank you to McMaster Urology and the Centre for Minimal Access Surgery for welcoming our residents to your Urology Resident Laparoscopic Surgery Course. They had an amazing experience and gained invaluable skills.It’s Not All Work!There’s plenty of time for socializing, unwinding, and hanging out with fellow surgical residents from Orthopedics and General Surgery.