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Summer Medical Student Research Awards

In an endeavor to support NOSM University medical students in their pursuit of research experiences, the Research Services Office holds an annual competition for various Summer Medical Student Research Awards.

This award competition is open to all NOSM University medical students (in Phase I or II of their studies) who are interested in doing research over the summer months (June to August). The medical student is remunerated at $2,500 per month (for a 35 hour work week).

> NOSM University Summer Medical Student Research Awards

NOSM University Summer Medical Student Research Awards began in 2006. Student research projects provide NOSM University medical students the opportunity to pursue hands-on research in a broad range of areas, from biological studies to social research.

> Mach-Gaensslen Summer Medical Student Research Awards

The Mach-Gaensslen Foundation was first incorporated in Canada in 1998. The Foundation honours the lives of Vaclav F. Mach and Dr. Hanni Mach-Gaensslen. Mr. Mach was born in the Czech Republic in 1917 where his family owned a textile fabrication business. Following the second world war, Mr. Mach emigrated to Switzerland and later lived in Canada and the United States as well as keeping a home base in Switzerland. He was highly regarded in his field of expertise, working primarily as a consultant to the global textile business.

Image of Vaclav F. Mach and Dr. Hanni Mach-Gaensslen
Vaclav F. Mach and Dr. Hanni Mach-Gaensslen

Dr. Hanni Gaensslen was born in Switzerland in 1926 and, after extensive specialty training, practiced medicine as an internal medicine, neurology, and psychiatric specialist. Vaclav and Hanni were married in Canada in 1981 and were active in their respective professions as well as a number of international non-governmental charitable organizations. Dr. Gaensslen died in the year 2000, and Mr. Mach in 2001. Prior to their deaths, the Machs had set up twin Foundations, in Canada and Switzerland, to manage the assets of their estates. The Foundations are devoted to encouraging research and education in cardiology, oncology, and psychiatry. The Mach-Gaensslen Foundation of Canada has, since 2005, provided grants of approximately $5,000 per student recipient at thirteen Canadian medical schools. This has enabled these students to conduct summer medical research in the three areas of medicine that the Foundation is able to fund based on the Machs’ requests.

Note: In order to be selected for a Mach-Gaesslen Award, projects must be in the field of cardiology, oncology or psychiatry.

As a long-term objective, the Mach-Gaensslen Foundation of Canada is interested in knowing whether involvement in summer research, while a medical student, will influence career choice or lead to research later in a student’s professional life. To receive funding for a summer’s research, a student is asked to participate in a prospective study for the balance of their careers.

> AMS Healthcare Summer Medical Student Research Award

In the 1970’s, the history of medicine was an understudied discipline in Canada. AMS Healthcare set out to change that because they saw its importance as a source of lessons that could positively shape Canadian healthcare.

Since then – and with the help of many partners – AMS Healthcare has worked to elevate its standing in the academic community and beyond. Today, the study of the history of medicine is thriving across the country. AMS Healthcare is Canada’s main source of support for the history of medicine.

AMS Healthcare provides funding to support Hannah Chairs in the History of Medicine across Canada. Hannah Chairs priortize the history of medicine in healthcare education, giving students a greater understanding of Canada’s medical past.

Dr. Darrell Manitowabi is the Hannah Chair in Indigenous Health and Indigenous Traditional Medicine at NOSM University. As part of this Chairship, AMS Healthcare provides Dr. Manitowabi with research funds to support a Summer Medical Student Research Award focusing on research in the History of Indigenous Health and Indigenous Traditional Medicine.

How to Apply:

  • November 1 – A call for potential supervisors is sent to all NOSM University faculty members through the Research Matters Newsletter and the Faculty Affairs Communiqué (Be sure to subscribe to these Newsletters).  Interested faculty are asked to submit a short description of their current research projects. These descriptions are due by December 13.
  • December 15 – Application packages, listing potential supervisors and research project information, are sent to all NOSM University medical students. Students are encouraged to contact the faculty member (from the list of potential supervisors) whose research project is of interest to them. Together, the medical student and faculty member are responsible for completing the application.
  • February 15 – Application deadline. The Research Awards Review Committee reviews applications.
  • March 15 – Awards are announced.

On completion of their summer projects students are encouraged to present their research at the Northern Health Research Conference, an annual event which highlights research and researchers from Northern Ontario.

Please see the Application and Guidelines for further information.