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Onboarding for New Residents

Dr. Rob Anderson
Dr. Rob Anderson

Welcome to residency!

Residency is an adventure, and you are fortunate to be embarking on this new phase of your life in beautiful Northern Ontario. If you are not from here, we trust you will feel at home quickly as people across the North will welcome and appreciate you.

We are looking forward to meeting you and are delighted that you have chosen Northern Ontario for this crucial stage of your education. We are here to help you achieve your goals during your residency.

NOSM University is Canada’s first independent medical university and one of the greatest education and physician workforce strategy success stories of Northern Ontario. More than just a medical university, it was purposely built to address the health needs of the region. You are part of this groundbreaking history by being a part of this NOSM University residency class.

As you begin your residency, which will offer unique and diverse learning experiences across the North, I encourage you to be ambitious and self-directed so you can make the most of every clinical encounter and conversation with your preceptors to hone your clinical skills and knowledge.

This page will provide you with links to the critical information you’ll want to reference during your start of residency here at NOSM University. If you have any questions during your residency and can’t find the answer here, we’d love to hear from you so please don’t hesitate to reach out to for support.

Dr. Rob Anderson

Associate Dean
Postgraduate Medical Education

PGME Office Orientation Information- Thursday June 27th

Welcome Presentations: 8am -10am
IMG Meeting with IMG Coordinator: 10:15am – 11:15am
KEY CONTACTS (cell phone numbers):
For IT/technical issues: Adam Armitage (807-766-7436)
For agenda/event issues: David McGuire (705-618-6447) or Michelle Esteves (807-629-1285)

IMG Orientation link to the event:  
Meeting link: 
Meeting number (access code): 242 508 550 12 
Password: QZrP2FMPs46 
Join by phone: +1-855-699-3239 

PGME Office Orientation Recording

Thank you to all who joined us for the PGME Office Orientation. Below is a recording of this year’s orientation.

Dr. Anderson’s 5 Assignments

5 Assignments & Missions from Dr. Anderson:

Assignment #1- Read this book

The Happiness Advantage- Shawn Achor
Your mission: Curate happiness

Assignment #2- Watch Dr. Carol Dweck’s TED Talk

Developing a Growth Mindset
Your mission: Foster a Growth Mindset and Build Feedback Literacy

Assignment #3- Read this book

From the Ashes- Jesse Thistle
Your mission: Be kind, Be respectful, Be Compassionate, Be Curious

Assignment #4- Watch this video

“Make Your Bed” by Navy Admiral William H McRaven
Your mission: Change the World

Assignment #5- Read this book

The Sneetches- Dr. Seuss
Your mission: Hear your patients’ stories

Resident Wellness & NOSM U Learner Support Services

NOSM University’s Resident Wellness Program is a collaboration between Learner Support Services and Resident Affairs. Led by Dr. Sean Sullivan, the Assistant Dean of Resident Affairs, we operate as a confidential service for learners, at arm’s length from PGME. We offer services and support including advice and coaching, referrals to other services including the Homewood Assistance Program, the NOSM U contract psychologist, OMA PHP, family physicians and other resources, education, support in accessing accommodations and help with system navigation.

For more information, please review the Resident Wellness program handout as well as the Resident Wellness page.

Expense Reimbursement Submission

The NOSM University Finance unit (Accounts Payable) is responsible for reimbursing expenses incurred by Residents throughout the course of their academic year. These expenses can include such things as travel, professional development expenses or other expenses deemed eligible by the program. Items related to employment (wages, benefits, etc.) are handled through the NOSM University Payroll unit and not through the NOSM Finance/Accounts Payable unit.

Eligible expenses must be submitted electronically using NOSM’s electronic expense reimbursement platform. This is accessed via MyNOSM and using your assigned NOSM login credentials.

A reimbursement requirements tips guide has been created to further assist residents in navigating expense reimbursement.

Submissions for expenses must be in accordance with NOSM University policies and program specific guidelines.

**NOTE: As this is an electronic process, you are responsible to maintain your original receipts for a period of 24 months from submission. Please ensure you keep these documents safely stored in the event they are required for audit purposes.**

Submissions should be done in a timely fashion, and payment can be expected within approximately 10 business days from receipt in Finance.

Please provide electronic banking information to Finance to receive direct deposit of your reimbursements.

Another helpful resource has been developed by resident representatives on the NOSM U PGME Budget Subcommittee which provides an overview of all available funding and the ways in which to access it:

Resident Reimbursement Funding at NOSM U: An Overview

Scheduling Rotations, Electives, Leaves & Housing: The PaNDa Platform

PGME Scheduling Tips: Using the PaNDA scheduling system 

This guide features information and tips on how to access and use PaNDa, NOSM’s all-in-one platform for scheduling rotations, electives, leaves of absence and housing. Included in this tips sheet is the process of changing scheduled rotations.

Download the PaNDA Scheduling tip sheet

Before Your First Day 

When performing a rotation in a new community, it is important to establish contact with the site, hospital, or Community Coordinator (SAC) in advance of your rotation. Residents will need to gather information regarding hospital orientation, parking cards, photocopying, access codes, library hours and access, and computer provision, etc. It is also recommended that residents contact their preceptor to introduce themselves prior to the start of the rotation and discuss the expectations, goals, and objectives for the rotation. Contact information can be found in PaNDA, or in the rotation reminder notifications.

Rotation Information and Reminder Notifications 

Resident rotation and housing information are on the Pan Northern Database (PaNDa) website. In PaNDa, you will find any pending changes, confirmed, or requested rotations, community and site-specific information, preceptor information and assignments. Rotation Goals and Objectives are all available online. Please note that you will receive rotation reminder e-mails 4 weeks before the start of each rotation. This e-mail will include the rotation type, dates, location, and preceptor contact information for your next rotation. Please review these e-mails and notify your program coordinator as soon as possible regarding any errors.

Scheduling and Rotation Changes 

The clinical rotation schedules have been constructed based on feedback from resident planning surveys, program direction, and preceptor availability across all programs. Residents must submit a Learner Change Request Form for any rotation change.  Prior to the completion of the form, residents must be released from the approved preceptor.  The completed form should be sent directly to the residents’ respective Program Coordinator for approval. Once the change is approved, the Program Coordinator sends the request to the Community Relations Coordinator. If the requested rotation is not secured within 8 weeks of the rotation, the original rotation will stand. For more information regarding the change request process.

Scheduling of Electives 

In choosing an elective within NOSM University’s geographical region, funding for mileage, preceptor stipend and housing will be covered by the Northern Electives’ Program. Please note that funding for travel and accommodations is only available for electives of 2 weeks or greater; however the Community Relations Unit strongly urges learners to continue to pursue 4 week elective even if they are subdivided as two and two weeks within the same community. A complete Elective Application must be submitted through the online application process found on PaNDa no less than eight weeks prior to the anticipated elective start date. Residents will need to login to PaNDa to access the elective application forms (Please refer to the PaNDa: Learner Electives Application Handbook).

If residents choose to do an elective outside of NOSM University’s geographical catchment area, an External Elective Request Form outlining the proposed elective should be submitted to your program coordinator at least eight weeks prior to the start of electives. This form must include a description of the proposed learning objectives for the elective with specific reference to how the elective will meet the resident’s own learning needs. No funding is available for mileage, preceptor stipend (should be covered by the host university), or accommodations for electives outside of NOSM University’s geographical catchment area.

Housing is provided to residents for all CORE rotations outside of their home base and for elective rotations in Northern Ontario up to a maximum of 6 blocks per academic year. Housing may be provided for elective rotations in the communities of Ottawa and Toronto for a renting fee if NOSM University Housing is available. Availability can only be confirmed 60-days prior to the start of the rotation. Residents are asked to contact NOSM University Housing at 60-days prior to the start of their rotation to see if housing is available.

NOSM University Housing

Housing is provided to residents for all CORE rotations outside of their home base and for elective rotations in Northern Ontario up to a maximum of six blocks per academic year. Availability can only be confirmed 60 days prior to the start of the rotation. Residents are asked to contact Housing at 60 days prior to the start of their rotation to see if NOSM University housing is available. More information on housing can be found on the NOSM University Housing Website.

NOSM University Payroll Quick Facts: Benefits, On Call Claims, Reporting a Workplace Injury and More

Pay Information

  • Payroll is issued by direct deposit.
  • Semi-monthly Pay (1st-15th of the month deposited on the 15th, and 16th to the last day of
    month deposited on the last day of each month).
  • If payday falls on a holiday or weekend, pay is deposited on the business day before.
  • Deadlines for on call forms, changes or submissions is 10 working days prior to the pay
  • Send inquiries or changes to Payroll by fax (705-671-3880) or email (

Pay Advices, Earning Statements & T4 Slips (how to view online)

  • Your pay advice (pay stub) and earning statements are available online to view, save, or
  • Instruction on how to view pay advices were emailed to you with your payroll documents
    and are available on myNOSM with the following link: How to View your Earning
    Statements and Pay Advice
  • Your T4 Slip will be available electronically by the end of February each year. You can
    access your T4 through the Self-Service (WebAdvisor) on myNOSM. Notice is also sent in
    The Pulse when they are ready.

Resident On Call Claim Forms

  • Link located on the NOSM University Website under myNOSM, Learners. Resident On Call Claims Link
  • Payment of on calls stipends are processed usually in the pay period following receipt.
  • Don’t Miss the Deadline! As per the PARO/CAHO Collective Agreement, Call stipend claims must be submitted within 30 days following the end of the month in which the call was worked. Untimely call stipends will not be paid. Please note deadlines follow the calendar, and do not follow the block dates.

Workplace Incidents

  • For Residents on NOSM U Payroll, all injuries must be reported to NOSM University within 24 hours
  • Complete the mandatory NOSM University Injury/Incident Reporting Form and send to
  • Needlestick Injuries require an additional form to be completed
  • The NOSM University Injury/Incident Reporting Form is posted on the NOSM University Website with the following link: Reporting an Injury

Group Benefits (Mandatory Enrollment)

  • Health and dental benefits through Manulife
  • Life insurance benefit through Sun Life Financial
  • Long Term Disability through Desjardins
  • Benefit details are available at
  • Benefit booklet available on the NOSM University Website with the following link: Manulife Benefit Information
  • Contact Number for Manulife 1-800-268-6195 (Plan number 86936 & Division 006).

Payroll Contact Information: 

Email: | Fax: 705-671-3880 

NOSM University

Human Resources / Payroll
HSERC, Room 224-B
935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6

PGME Policies

To view PGME Policies and Guidelines, please visit our policies section.


If you have questions about the PGME registration process, please continue to work with Your continued attention to submission deadlines of documents and fees etc. helps us to help you.

For more information, please visit the PGME Registration Basics website.

PGME Assessment, Evaluation and Elentra Training Resources

NOSM University Elentra is a web-based platform accessible to residents and preceptors for the submission of clinical rotation evaluation and assessment forms.  You will log into Elentra using your NOSM credentials (username/password).   


Before attempting to navigate Elentra, we recommend that you start with our comprehensive training module.  It is comprised of sets of instructions accompanied by short videos.



Elentra COMMUNITY page

This space will be your ultimate guide for all things NOSM University Elentra. Here you will find links to our Elentra training modules, top Elentra FAQs, and tools to assist residents in meeting all of their program-specific assessment and evaluation requirements.  This page is accessible once you have logged into your Elentra account. 

Visit our NOSM University website for additional Elentra resources 

Evaluation and Assessment | NOSM 

NOSM Elentra FAQs | NOSM 

Your PGME Assessment and Evaluation coordinators, Julie Rendell and Debbie Popien can be contacted at:   

Health Sciences Library and Resources

Welcome to NOSM University’s Health Sciences Library! As a NOSM U Resident you have access to the library’s: 

Online, you can reach us at and our AskUs! chat service on our website.   

See below for additional quick links from the library to get you started.  

Quicks Links: 

How to access resources off-campus 

Library hours 

Location and staff information 

Library registration and borrowing 

Book a librarian  

Research Services Office

Welcome to Residency at NOSM University.

We at the Research Services Office are thrilled you chose NOSM U and are excited to work with you on any research projects you embark upon in the coming years. We know that residency can be a stressful and very busy time, and we want to let you know that our priority is to work with you, answer any questions and direct you to the right resources. To that end, The Research Office has created a webpage specifically for residents which has some useful documents and resources for you.

We also highly recommend subscribing to our biweekly research newsletter, Research Matters. If you have any questions, our email is Depending on the type of research you choose to do, we can help you with applications for grants, Research Ethics Board applications, reporting, and manuscript preparation. Additionally, NOSM University has opportunities for you to share your research findings.

In addition to Resident Research Days, each year NOSM U holds the Northern Health Research Conference (NHRC). We encourage all residents to send in abstracts, and NOSM U is committed to promoting resident research wherever we can. Undertaking research can be a daunting and sometimes intimidating enterprise, especially if you don’t have a lot of prior experience. Our team is committed to helping you each step of the way and wants you to know you aren’t alone. 

Please feel free to reach out to us. Best of luck with your residency!  

The Research Services Office Team 


Office of Indigenous Affairs

Boozhoo, Aanii, Waachay, Tansi, Hello from all of us at Indigenous Affairs!

Indigenous Affairs provides support to NOSM University learners, residents, staff, faculty and community.  The team provides a variety of unique services through the facilitation of culturally relevant supports which assist our community in maintaining balance in mental, physical, emotional and spiritual self. The unit works in partnership with services, communities and organizations across Northern Ontario. Indigenous Affairs works with the NOSM University community to provide a positive environment that incorporates and reflects an Indigenous worldview.

Indigenous Affairs Unit – meet the Team!

Resources: We invite you to take a closer look at the learning opportunities in the suggested resources, books, podcasts, websites, and more.

Events: Knowledge Sharing Circles with Elders and Knowledge Keepers are hosted throughout the academic year. These events are shared with The ‘Script.

If you wish to receive event information directly from us, please email

Office of Francophone Affairs

Our Unit – to discover our Unit, our mission and our team

Francophone Health section – to better understand the reality of Francophone minorities in the North in the field of health

Resources – relevant resources and tools to help you in your studies and your journey as a French-speaking health professional

Francophone Organizations – non-exhaustive list of organizations that contribute to the promotion of the Francophonie in various fields

Living in French in the North – a few ways to practice your French

IMG Support and Resources

NOSM University has developed several resources to help IMG residents during their first weeks of residency.

The Canadian Medical Association

The Canadian Medical Association unites medical students, residents and physicians who believe in a
better future of health. Together, we’re working to create a more sustainable, accessible health system
and a new culture of medicine that champions equity, diversity and inclusion. Watch our orientation
video or visit to learn how you can get involved. For any questions, please contact

MD Financial

MD Financial Management Overview

MD is the only national financial services firm dedicated exclusively to the financial well-being of Canada’s medical students, residents, physicians, and their families. Our Early Career Advisors can help educate you on various topics related to personal and professional finance, as well as provide personalized support and advice.

Resident Resources

Congratulations on beginning residency! With this exciting transition, you may notice a shift in your financial situation. Our website has a dedicated page for residents with articles, blogs, videos and podcasts that are packed with tips and information. Below are a few direct links to articles:

Additional resources:

Contact Us

If you have any questions, our team can be contacted at:

Additional Resources for New Residents