Bear Island, Temagami First Nation
Partnering for a Healthier North
Aligned with our social accountability mandate, NOSM University’s academic model relies on collaborative relationships with communities. Wide-ranging engagement with community partners, health service partners, two host universities, and other collaborators is integral to the University’s strategic plan. We are committed to growing and strengthening our existing relationships with hospitals and health services, communities (including Indigenous and Francophone), alumni, volunteers, donors, private and professional organizations, and national health organizations.
It Takes a Village
You may have heard the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child.” At NOSM University, we believe it takes many communities to educate a health professional. If you have received care in Northern Ontario, chances are good that you have been seen by a NOSM University faculty member, alumni, or learner. There are quite literally thousands of people—faculty, volunteers, friends, partners, and collaborators—across the region who support the education of NOSM University learners. Our success in graduating skilled health professionals who then stay to live and practise in the North is in no small part due to the many people across the region who are dedicated to the vision of a healthier North.
Focus on Francophones
With approximately 25% of the Northern Ontario population being Francophone, it is a priority for NOSM University to prepare learners to provide care for Francophones across the North. Francophone and Anglophone learners have many options when it comes to improving their ability to serve the Francophone population in Northern Ontario: placements in French-speaking communities with Francophone faculty members; French materials and textbooks for the MD program; and, French-language classes to expand their linguistic proficiency. Learning about the concept of active offer—meaning French-language health services are clearly announced, visible, and easily accessible at all times—is important for learners to better serve their future Francophone patients.
Informed by Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples across the North have been heavily involved with the School since the early stages of its development. NOSM University regularly hosts community gatherings with Indigenous Peoples across the North to gather feedback from Elders, First Nations, and Métis partners. In addition, NOSM University actively encourages Indigenous high school and university students to consider health careers, and supports them in their journey to becoming health professionals. Elders are available on campus for all learners, staff, and faculty. In addition, the School hosts sweat lodges, cultural competency training, and Indigenous language classes for all those interested in participating.
Thank you to everyone who supports NOSM University and its learners.
Together, we’re making our communities healthier!
Partnering in Teaching and Learning with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Titled, Partnering in Teaching and Learning with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, this poster is one way to inform your patients about the care they may receive from a NOSM medical student, resident, or interprofessional learner.
If you wish to receive printed copies, please contact NOSM’s Communications Unit at 807-766-7452 or communications@nosm.ca.
Thank you for the support you have shown NOSM, our learners, and the School’s mission to educate high quality physicians and health professionals. Our many community partners are a critical part of NOSM’s success.