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Internationally Trained Physicians

Information about licensure

Professional practice in Ontario

Explore alternative pathways to professional practice in Ontario through the Restricted Exam here

For US physicians: A roadmap to navigate alternative practice routes in Ontario can be viewed here

Practice Ready Ontario

  • Practice Ready Ontario streamlines the process for internationally trained physicians who have completed postgraduate training and have experience of independent practice in family medicine or as a general practitioner outside Canada. There is a video here that explains the program.
  • Candidate physicians must sign a 3 year Return of Service in a community that has a RIO score of 40 or higher, or one of the Northern Urban Referral Centres (Sudbury, North Bay, Thunder Bay, Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie).
  • Visit the “Practice Ready Ontario” site here for information about the new assessment and supervision from CPSO for selected IMG’s and supported through Touchstone Institute.