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For Communities

Are you looking to recruit? There are a number of tools available to assist communities with recruitment

Planning your workforce

Planning, recruiting and retaining

The HFO recruitment essentials toolkit is available here:

The Community site visit program

There is funding available to bring physicians and their spouse/partner/family to visit a community to which they may be considering relocation. For more information, check out the program information here:

Recruiting new grads to rural practice

If you are interested in recruiting new grads, there are some things that may be helpful for you to know as a recruiter, and as a physician in practice. A CMAJ article with research findings is here: and some infographics to summarize the findings are linked here: Medical students and residentsPhysiciansRecruiters

Marketing Opportunities

For 2024, – a nationwide health care workforce job posting site – is offering free job advertising for positions at health care organizations in Northern Ontario. Create your account, message, and your account will be set to free and unlimited job posts for the rest of the year.