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Mentor Skills Development Opportunities

CAMINO includes an educational component run through NOSM U’s Continuing Education and Professional Development (CEPD) office, aimed at developing mentorship and coaching skills among CAMINO mentors and NOSM U faculty interested in professional development to enhance their mentoring skills.


CAMINO Mentorship and Skills Development Options

Professional Development for CAMINO Mentors

The CAMINO program is a funded mentorship opportunity with expectation of undertaking a couple of hours of formal skills training and compensation. Mentors in the program will undergo focused training, including an initial orientation, three accredited virtual educational workshops and a self-paced accredited e-learning course.. Successful completion of these components will be recognized with a mentorship certificate.

This approach ensures they possess the necessary skills to guide mentees towards tangible growth and success. CAMINO’s educational component is pivotal, aiming to cultivate mentorship and coaching skills that are informed by literature and best practices.

The Commitment

If matched with a mentee in one of CAMINO’s streams, mentors are expected to:

  • Engage in Mentorship: Provide up to 10 hours of mentorship (virtual or in-person) during the mentorship period.
  • Participate in Training: Attend an orientation session, complete the Education Series Sessions and engage with the Mentoring Skills Development E-Learning Program to hone your skills as a mentor.
  • Contribute to Program Evaluation: Complete evaluations to aid in the planning and continuous improvement of the CAMINO program. Evaluation is an important part of program improvements as CAMINO evolves. You will be asked to complete an anonymous survey at the end of the year. Feedback at any point in the year is welcome!

What you can expect:

  • Professional development to hone your mentoring skills in a collaborative setting with like-minded peers;
  • Supportive assistance and resources through the Office of Physician Workforce Strategy to help you be successful;
  • To see your profession through the eyes of learners and hopefully, enhancing the joy and satisfaction felt as a practicing rural clinician.

Professional Development for Aspiring Mentors

This option is available to NOSM U faculty interested in voluntary professional development. It involves the completion of three accredited virtual educational workshops and a self-paced accredited e-learning course. Participants who complete these components will receive a mentorship certificate. The curriculum is designed to cultivate advanced mentorship and coaching skills, drawing on the latest literature and best practices.