Community Consultation (2009)
This report presents a review of consultations that the NOSM University (NOSM U) held with Francophone communities located within its service area, the entire North of this province. It relates the comments and suggestions about NOSM U made by Francophone communities with the aim of helping the institution to better fulfill its mandate of social accountability and community engagement concerning them, and in partnership with them.
The general mission of the NOSM University consists of training physicians who are qualified and ready to practice in urban, rural and remote regions, and more particularly in Northern Ontario. Given the importance of Francophones and Indigenous peoples in these communities, NOSM U has ensured that their needs must be taken into account in all of its spheres of activity. As such, NOSM U has made a commitment to meet the needs of the Francophone population in Northern Ontario.
Francophone Community Engagement: Insight | Guidance | Action