A Francophone Focus
Although mandated by the Ontario government to provide instruction in the English language, the NOSM University (NOSM U) is committed to being responsive to the needs of the people and communities of Northern Ontario, including Francophones and people for whom their first language is French.
NOSM U has a social mandate that requires it to be sensitive to the cultural diversity of the region it serves, including the needs of the people and communities of Northern Ontario.
With approximately twenty-seven percent (27%) of the Franco-Ontarian population living in Northern Ontario, the University of Western Ontario strives to ensure that the culture and linguistic needs of Francophones in Northern Ontario are taken into account in all of its activities. Therefore, we encourage our students to learn and understand Franco-Ontarian history, tradition and culture, and offer them the opportunity to learn French. We also provide students who work in French with as many opportunities as possible to complete their studies in French, especially through internships in francophone health services and communities.
The official language of administration and instruction is English. However, the university’s external publications and some informal programming are available in French.
Because of the importance of Francophone residents and communities in Northern Ontario and at NOSM U, major announcements, press releases and some documents are also published in French. In accordance with the mandate of NOSM U, certain positions (faculty and support) are to be filled by persons proficient in both English and French and are advertised in both languages. When recruiting for all positions at NOSM U, the ability to communicate in French is an asset.
The Francophone Affairs Unit and the Francophone Reference Group work together to liaise with Northern Ontario’s Francophone communities to identify and address the needs of the Francophone population as NOSM U develops.
The University’s mandate includes the following:
- Encourage applications from qualified francophone students. Medical students who self-identify as Francophone make up 20-30% of each cohort (see our statistics).
- Liaise with the Francophone communities in Northern Ontario to identify and address their needs in its development through the work of the Francophone Reference Group (FRG).
The mandate of the undergraduate medical education program:
- To provide Francophone and Francophile students with small group learning opportunities and clinical experiences in a francophone and bilingual environment whenever possible.
- To provide a curriculum focused on Francophone health issues, case studies, health professionals, patients and Francophone communities.
The mandate of our Francophone Affairs Unit:
- Provides ongoing support to students on a variety of levels, e.g. placements, finding tutors, helping with translation and editing of documents, preparing for interviews, etc.
- Provides students, physicians and health care professionals with French-language educational tools, including online French learning materials, and strategic opportunities to collaborate with other French-language medical schools in Canada.
- Facilitation of information workshops for high school and university students in the North.
- In collaboration with the admissions office, we are involved in interviewing candidates for the undergraduate program.
- Ensures Francophone representation within the university; internal experts; the path of the Francophonie at NOSM U; our internal and external advocacy actions; our presence at regional, provincial, national and international consultation tables.
- Support for research projects focusing on Francophone health.
- Support for students during their 2nd and 3rd year internships as well as in residency programs in Francophone communities and health care settings.
- Ongoing efforts to increase the participation of students (medical and other disciplines), residents and francophone communities in NOSM U activities.
- Participation and animation of cultural events throughout the year to ensure awareness of Francophone culture.
Francophone Affairs Team
FrAU email: affaires.francophones@nosm.ca
Danielle Barbeau-Rodrigue
NOSM University in Sudbury
Phone: 705-662-7291
Fax: 705-662-7273
Laïla Faivre
Community Liaison Coordinator
NOSM University in Thunder Bay
Phone: 807-766-7386
Fax: 807-766-7370
Sierra Howald
Learner Recruitment and Support Coordinator
NOSM University in Sudbury
Phone: 705 662-7271
Fax: 705-662-7273
Renée Marenger
Administrative Assistant
NOSM University in Sudbury
Phone: 705-662-7260
Fax: 705-662-7273
French Language Communications
The NOSM University (NOSM U), has a mandate to be socially accountable to the cultural diversity of the region it serves, including the needs of Francophone people and communities in Northern Ontario.
Of the total Franco-Ontarian population, twenty-seven per cent (27%) of the Francophones live in Northern Ontario. The University will endeavour to ensure that all its activities demonstrate sensitivity to an understanding of the cultural and linguistic needs of Francophones in Northern Ontario. All NOSM U students will be encouraged to develop knowledge and understanding of the history, tradition and culture of Francophone people, and will be offered the opportunity to learn French. Students for whom French is their working language will be offered as many opportunities as is possible to pursue their studies in the French language, particularly through clinical placements in French language health services and Francophone communities.
The official language of administration and instruction is English. However, the university’s external publications as well as some unofficial programming are available in French.
Recognizing the importance of Francophone people and communities in Northern Ontario and at NOSM U, major announcements, media releases, and selected documents will be available in French. Consistent with the University’s mandate, some positions in the University may require personnel (faculty and staff) who are bilingual in English and French. These positions will be advertised in French as well as in English. An ability to communicate in French will be considered an asset in recruitment to all positions at NOSM U.
The University’s Francophone Affairs Unit and the Francophone Reference Group (FRG) work collaboratively to liaise with Francophone communities in Northern Ontario for the purpose of identifying and responding to the needs of Francophone people in the ongoing development of NOSM U.
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