NOSM University does not require the completion of specific preparatory course work. While there are no course prerequisites, NOSM University values applicants who present evidence of a broad undergraduate education.
It is recommended that applicants with majors in science complete at least two (2) full course equivalents* in arts, social sciences and/or humanities, and that applicants pursuing majors in arts, social sciences and/or humanities complete at least two (2) full course equivalents* in science.
*Two(2) full course equivalents refer to two (2) full-year course credits, four (4) semester courses, or a combination of one (1) full course credit and two (2) semester courses.
The designation of a course as “Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities, or Science” is determined by the institution you are attending or attended. If you are unsure as to a course designation, please check with the Registrar’s Office of the institution where the course is/was offered.