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Every gift to NOSM University, no matter the size, makes a positive impact on our students, faculty, and researchers, and provides them with extraordinary opportunities. Learn more about the incredible power of donating to NOSM University.

Your contributions are fully tax deductible. In February of each year, we will send you a tax receipt for your previous year’s donations.

If you have questions about your donation, please contact us at 

Staff may choose to make contributions via payroll deduction. 

Click here to donate now.

Tribute gifts

Your gift can be made to honour an important person, like a teacher, doctor, or friend who has played a role in your life or the life of a loved one. Tribute gifts celebrate a life, graduation, birthday, retirement, or simply say thank you. If your gift is in tribute to someone, please indicate that on our donation form below.

How will my money be used?

When you use the form on this page to make a donation to NOSM University, you will choose a fund to which you will contribute. Expand the text below to learn more about each fund.


CampMed is NOSM University’s annual summer camp that inspires high school students to consider a future as a health-care professional. The camp provides Northern Ontario and rural and remote students of Canada with an opportunity to obtain hands-on experience, receive mentorship, and explore Indigenous culture, Francophone culture, health and tradition, and health-care careers.

CampMed has been a successful pathway to medicine at NOSM University:

  • 674 total campers, including 23 who have since been admitted to NOSM University
  • 75 university student volunteers since 2016, including ten who have since been admitted to NOSM University
  • 167 Indigenous campers
  • 238 Francophone campers
  • 245 campers from more than 48 different communities in Northern Ontario

We hope that you will consider contributing to this important work of inspiring the youth of Northern Ontario to see themselves as the health-care professionals of the future.

Find out more about CampMed.


Dr. Sarita Verma Awards for Distinguished Leadership

Established in 2024 with the retirement of Dr. Sarita Verma, NOSM University’s inaugural President, Vice-Chancellor, CEO, and second Dean of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. Dr. Verma served as Dean from July 1, 2019, to March 30, 2022, then became President, Vice-Chancellor, Dean, and CEO when NOSM was proclaimed Canada’s first independent medical University on April 1, 2022.

The Dr. Sarita Verma Awards for Distinguished Leadership have been established to recognize and celebrate outstanding leadership qualities among learners, staff, and faculty members at NOSM University. These awards aim to honor individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, contributed significantly to the University community, and served as inspiring role models for others.


Established Memorial Funds

DONATE NOW AND LEARN MORE about memorial funds that have been established to honour someone’s memory.

General Research Fund for Dr. Gilles Arcand Centre for Health Equity

This fund supports research at the Dr. Gilles Arcand Centre for Health Equity.


Library Resource Fund

The Library Resource Fund helps the library purchase resources to train the next generation of health-care professionals. Support ensures that faculty and learners can access relevant and up-to-date health resources and research.  

By investing in the growth of our digital library collection, you help provide access to the evidence needed to investigate a question, learn and teach health-related concepts, or diagnosis and treat an illness. The virtual collection directly supports the education, research, and clinical activities of library users by providing access to online books and journals, from anywhere across Northern Ontario, when it is needed most. 

To learn about the services provided by NOSM University’s Health Sciences Library, please visit the library website. 


NOSM University General Bursary – MD

The people of Northern Ontario—some 800,000—need more than 350 doctors just to fill immediate shortages. It’s hard to imagine, but statistically, people in the North live shorter, less healthy lives than people in the south. As Canada’s first-ever independent medical university, NOSM University is doing everything it can to help marshal doctors to where they’re needed most.

The NOSM University General Bursary – MD provides financial aid to NOSM University medical students. Medical students at NOSM University graduate with nearly twice the debt of students at other medical schools in Canada. It’s not because we’re more expensive: it’s because we recruit from the North, for the North, and typically, people in the region don’t have access to the same financial and social means as students in the south.  

Learn more about our important work to train doctors for Northern Ontario.


NOSM University General Postgraduate Bursary

Support resident doctors—your future physicians 

NOSM University is on a mission to create a healthier Northern Ontario. Improving health equity begins with training doctors to stay in the North. However, this process is time consuming and costly. After medical students graduate with their MD, they must complete residency training. This training, which takes two to nine years, is how they become a practising family physician or specialist. The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada reports that medical school graduates have approximately “$84,172 for medical school expenses and $80,516 of non-education related debt” prior to entering into residency programs for more specialized training.  

Medical students at NOSM University graduate with nearly twice the debt of students at other medical schools in Canada. It’s not because we’re more expensive: it’s because we recruit from the North, for the North, and typically, people in the region don’t have access to the same financial and social means as students in the south. 

This is where you come in. NOSM University resident doctors need your support. 

The NOSM University General Postgraduate Bursary provides residents with extra financial support as they begin their training. Although residency is paid, the cost of living remains high across the North. The medical resident endowed bursary fund will go to reducing the financial burden of physician training. 

NOSM University’s residency programs train physicians in family medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, and more. Importantly, 57 per cent of the medical residents who have completed their postgraduate training with NOSM University have stayed in Northern Ontario to practice.  

You can help us continue training more doctors in the North, for the North by donating to this bursary fund. By donating, you are helping current residents succeed and contributing to improving health equity across Northern Ontario.  

If you would like more information about starting a bursary for medical residents in your name, please contact our Advancement office at   

You can also donate to the medical resident endowed bursary fund below.  


NOSM University Truth Award

Donations support an Indigenous medical student at NOSM University and the Indigenous Educational Initiatives fund.


Physician Workforce Strategy

The Physician Workforce Strategy was created to solve the issue of physician shortages in Northern Ontario, and particularly in rural, remote, and Indigenous communities. The Strategy helps support the creation of regional clinical networks of care. It aims to find sustainable solutions to physician recruitment and retention and create new forms of health-care education and service delivery, including a Rural Generalist Pathway program, the University’s First Nations residency program, and funding models to support physicians in a maturing medical school, including physicians in rural and remote communities. Overall, the University is looking to build a robust health-care workforce in the region with physicians who, in addition to their regular clinical services, teach the next generation of physicians and research the questions that matter to our communities.

The Physician Workforce strategy is aligned with NOSM University’s mission to improve the health of Northern Ontarians by being socially accountable in our education and research programs and advocating for health equity. The fund is utilized to drive this work.


President’s Visionary Fund

The President’s Visionary Fund supports NOSM University’s most urgent priorities, which vary from year to year depending on the needs of the school. Projects might include the modernization of classrooms and other learning space, the purchase of supplies and equipment used in our teaching and research labs, or the costs of conference attendance for some of our deserving students. Give the gift of health by supporting the President’s Visionary Fund—the fund that helps provide all the tools that strengthen the experiences needed to educate world-class doctors right here in our communities.



Research is at the heart of NOSM University. As Canada’s first and only independent medical university, our research aims to improve health care and health equity across Northern Ontario and Canada. We are doing this by connecting communities, researchers, and hospitals.  

At NOSM University, research is recognized as a critical component of the distributed community-engaged model for which we’re internationally recognized. Researchers are working on critical projects across multiple themes, including: clinical and translational health; biomedical and basic sciences; population and public health; and humanities and social sciences. Your donation directly supports NOSM University researchers in developing better health-care solutions for peoples in Northern, rural, and Indigenous communities.  

The innovative Dr. Gilles Arcand Centre for Health Equity is NOSM University’s central hub for socially accountable and health equity research. It is the first of its kind in Canada—a model for multidisciplinary, community-led, and community-prioritized health and public health multidisciplinary research. The Centre is advancing social accountability research globally and locally by working and collaborating with diverse stakeholders in the broad areas of health professional education, health system transformation, health human resources, social and population health, and social determinants of health. Home to a growing number of research networks, everyone at the Dr. Gilles Arcand Centre for Health Equity is focused on building capacity and providing tools for change. 

Your support of research at NOSM University will go a long way to increasing our ability to do this important work. Together, we will fund researchers to go into remote communities and will train learners to be exceptional researchers and primary care physicians. Join us in creating a better future for Northern Ontarians. 

Contact for more information on research projects. 


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