Legacy gifts are a vital source to help us train and keep health-care professionals in Northern Ontario.
A gift in your will can:
- Create a student bursary
- Fund research and programs
- Support graduate programs
- Keep doctors in Northern Ontario
Leaving a gift in your will is:
- Simple
- Flexible
- Offers tax advantages
- Impactful and personalized
- Rooted in community
NOSM University’s Advancement Office would be pleased to meet with you or your estate representative about making a legacy gift. If you have already named NOSM University in your will or estate plan, please let us know so we can personally thank you for your thoughtful commitment.
Contact us at AdvancementCoordinator@nosm.ca.
Gifts of Security and Life Insurance
Gifts of publicly traded securities are eligible for a charitable donation receipt for the appreciated value of the donation—free from any capital gains tax. Gifts of securities can be made during your life or through your will. Any gift of securities made now or through your will should be discussed with your lawyer or financial consultant.
Resources for making a gift of security or a gift in your will:
- NOSM University’s Charitable Registration Number: 86466 0352 RR0001
- Will template with sample language: SAMPLE
- Gift of securities form