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Geoffrey L. Hudson, D.PHIL.

NOSM University
Lakehead University Campus
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay, ON  P7B 5E1
Phone:   (807) 766-7392
Fax:  (807) 766-7362
Associate Professor in the History of Medicine, Human Sciences Division, NOSM University
History of Medicine Program, NOSM University
Member, Graduate Program, NOSM University
Member, Graduate Program, Social Justice Studies, Lakehead University
Adjunct Faculty, Anthropology Department, Lakehead University



Associate Professor, Human Sciences Division, NOSM University


Assistant Professor, NOSM University


Acting Director, History of Medicine Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON


Programs Director, Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine/AMS
Toronto, ON


Research Fellow, The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine
University College London, UK


D.Phil., History, St. John’s College, Oxford University, UK

Research Areas

Social history of medicine, war and medicine, as well as the history of disability.

Current Research Projects Include

1. Disability and War in England, 1580-1800

In this study I investigate the nature of disability in the early modern period including contemporary attitudes to disability and the social negotiation between the disabled and authorities (within the context of the development of policies of confinement and discipline). I am combining a study of national military hospitals with an analysis of the county pension scheme in order to provide an examination of war, the state and disability in early modern England.

2. Advocating for Full Citizenship: Disabled Persons, Health and Social Policy, and the Ontario Government, 1975-1995. 

This project is funded by a multi-year grant from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR). The study is being accomplished via an examination of relevant papers in the Archives, related documents, as well as interviews with individuals active at the time. The goal is to broaden our understanding of the development and implementation of disability policy and its impact on the health of Canadians. This objective includes a deeper understanding of the significance of provincial government initiatives, as well as provincial-federal cooperation in this field of health.

Selected Publications

Megan J. Davies and Geoffrey L. Hudson eds., An Accidental History of Canada, McGill Queen’s University Press, 2024. See

Geoffrey L. Hudson, ‘Medicare in Canada from a Disability Rights Perspective: Ontario and Assistive Devices, c. 1975-1990’, in Esyllt Jones, Delia Gavrus and James Hanley eds., Medicare’s Histories: Origins, Omissions, and Opportunities in Canada (University of Manitoba Press, 2022).

Geoffrey L. Hudson and Marion Maar, ‘The Making of the World’s Only Medical School Mandatory Placement in Indigenous Communities: Northern Ontario School of Medicine’, in Delia Gavrus and Susan Lamb eds., Transforming Medical Education: Historical Case Studies of Teaching, Learning, and Belonging in Medicine (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022).

Roger Strasser, John Hogenbirk, Kristen Jacklin, Marion Maar, Geoffrey L. Hudson, Wayne Warry, Hoi Cheu, Tim Dube, Dean Carson, “Community Engagement: A Central Feature of NOSM’s Socially Accountable Distributed Medical Education,” Canadian Medical Education Journal 9, 1 (2018), e33-e43.

Geoffrey L. Hudson, “Introduction”, Historical Perspectives on Rural Medicine: The Proceedings of Two Witness Seminars, Welcome Witnesses to Contemporary Medicine, Vol. 61 (London: Queen Mary University, 2017).

Geoffrey L. Hudson and Marion Maar, ‘Faculty Analysis of Distributed Medical Education in Northern Canadian Aboriginal Communities’, in Rural and Remote Health, 2014 Oct-Dec; 14(4).

Geoffrey L. Hudson, ‘The Relief of English Disabled Ex-Sailors, c. 1590-1680’ in Cheryl A. Fury ed., The Social History of English Seamen, 1485-1649 (Boydell Press, 2012).

Geoffrey L. Hudson, Invited Guest Editor, Special Issue of the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History dedicated to the history of military medicine, CBMH, Vol 27, No. 2, 2010.

Geoffrey L. Hudson, “Northern Civil War Atrocity at Barthomley, Church, 1643”, Revisited’, Northern History, XLVI: 2, September 2009.

Geoffrey Tesson, Geoffrey L. Hudson, Roger Strasser, Dan Hunt eds., The Making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine: A Case Study in the History of Medical Education (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009).

Geoffrey L. Hudson, ed., Military and Naval Medicine in Britain, 1600-1830 (Rodopi Press, Amsterdam and New York, 2007).

Geoffrey L. Hudson, “Arguing Disability: ex-servicemen’s stories in early modern England”, in Roberta Bivins and John Pickstone eds., Medicine, Madness and Social History (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2007).

Geoffrey L. Hudson, “Disability in the Early Modern West” in The Encyclopedia of Disability (Sage Publications, California, 2005).

Geoffrey L. Hudson, Article on “Sir John Morden”, New Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2004).

Geoffrey L. Hudson, “Disabled Veterans and the State in Early Modern England” in D. Gerber ed., Disabled Veterans in History (University of Michigan Press, 2000).

Geoffrey L. Hudson, “Negotiating for Blood Money: War Widows and the Courts in Seventeenth-Century England” in J. Kermode and G. Walker eds., Women, Crime and the Courts in Early Modern England (University College of London Press, 1994, and University of North Carolina Press, 1995).


2007, Excellence in Teaching Award, NOSM Faculty and Students, “to outstanding members of NOSM’s faculty, as selected by the School’s undergraduate medical students, for assistance and guidance which has been invaluable to the lives of our students”

2014, Dedicated Service Award, Canadian Association of University Teachers, ‘in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty and Staff Association’.

2019, Lorimer Award, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, ‘to honour and recognize outstanding contributions to improving the terms and conditions of employment of Ontario university faculty through bargaining’.

2019, Labour Person of the Year Award, Thunder Bay and District Labour Council (Canadian Labour Congress), ‘for outstanding work in the labour movement or for demonstrated labour activism’.