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NOSM U Contributions Dossier

The following form is designed to assist you in documenting your contributions to NOSM University and to assist the NOSM U Stipendiary Promotions Committee and the Section Chairs with their evaluation of your promotion application and/or eligibility for reappointment.  Please be advised that you will have to save your work in this document and then submit it to

Note: To utilize the Contributions Dossier 2022-2023 fillable form, the document must first be downloaded and saved. The most effective way to do so is on your desktop. Once on your desktop the fillable form can be used. Make sure to save your responses.  Attach the completed form to the email to

Contributions Dossier 2023 – 2024

Description of Acronyms, Modules & Sessions

NOSM U Curriculum Vitae

The following template is a tool for NOSM U faculty members to assist them in developing and maintaining their Curriculum Vitae.  Please keep in mind that this is a comprehensive template to be used as a guideline only.  Please do not feel obligated to complete every section of this template.  Please complete the sections that apply to you.

NOSM U Curriculum Vitae Template

Clinical Sciences Division Meetings

The upcoming Clinical Sciences Division Meetings are posted here as available.

Research Support

As NOSM embarks on its new Strategic Plan, the Research Support Group (RSG) at NOSM has been created to assist all faculty, including clinical faculty and NOAMA grantees, as they embark on new research endeavors, create new projects and teams, and inspire to conduct research that is from the north and by the north.

For more information, please visit the Research Support Group section of our website or by emailing 

Determining Continuing Medical Education Needs

Determining Continuing Medical Education Needs

Did you know?

Every Scientific Planning Committee is responsible for creating a needs assessment that underpins the educational content.

A needs assessment is:

  • A method of defining the gap (the “need”) between what is, and what should be.
  • A set of evidence that demonstrates why the educational program is necessary.
  • A crucial part of the educational planning cycle.