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NOSM Events

Meet & Greet: Dr. Sarita Verma, NOSM’s new Dean, President and CEO

Please join us to meet and greet NOSM's new Dean, President and CEO, Dr. Sarita Verma. Refreshments will be served....

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Human skeletal muscle stem cell function: Effect of ageing

Presented by Dr. Gianni Parise See more details. Location: NOSM at Laurentian University in MSE 215 MSW 1011 at NOSM at Lakehead University Via WebEx or by dialling 1-855-699-3239 and entering access code: 642 293 612....

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IPE Session 6: Collaborative Leadership

Session 6: Collaborative Leadership “Putting professionalism into interprofessionalism” Team Presentations on Collaborative Leadership FALL 2019 Session 1-6 (Thursday Evenings 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) Gayle Adams-Carpino CYW, RSW, MSW Lecturer, Interprofessional Education, Assistant Professor-Division of Clinical Sciences PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This program is designed for undergraduate and graduate social, medical, and health sciences learners who are interested in directly applying the six competencies highlighted in the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (2010) Framework (e.g. role clarification, interprofessio...

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