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Entering Class of 2024 – MMS

Intake Form Due: May 28, 2024

The following documents must be accessed via your offer package, completed, and submitted to the Office of Admissions & Learner Recruitment by no later than May 28, 2024:

  • Graduate Student Handbook Review
  • E2024 MMS Intake Form (online form)

Tuition Deposit Payment: June 11, 2024

Incoming MMS students are required to pay a $1000 non-refundable tuition deposit. You will need NOSM University credentials in order to log in to pay your deposit. Your NOSM University credentials will be sent to you once the Office of Admissions & Learner Recruitment has received and processed your completed MMS Intake Form.

Instructions on how to pay your tuition deposit are available on the Making a Payment webpage.

Proof of Canadian Citizenship/PR & Final Transcript Due: June 30, 2024

  • Proof of Canadian Citizenship/Permanent Resident of Canada (refer to offer of admission package
  • Final Transcript Submission (if applicable – refer to offer of admission letter for academic conditions/requirements)

Full Tuition Payment Due: August 15, 2024

Minimum Tuition Requirement: Graduate students who complete the MMS program in less than two years will need to have paid the equivalent of two years (six semesters) of full-time tuition fees to graduate.

Full Tuition Payment is due by August 15, 2024.

Contact should you have any questions.

Instructions on how to pay your tuition are available on the Making a Payment webpage.

Research Opportunities

Research Opportunities

Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions

Important Dates

Important Dates