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Continuing Medical Education (CME)

The NOSM CEPD office has a variety of Continuing Medical Education opportunities offered through a variety of methods.  Whether you’re able to attend one of our many conferences, participate in workshops or series hosted in our communities, or access one of our now many virtual events to meet your personal learning needs, there is something for all faculty, in all communities.

Please explore the opportunities and additional resources in our menu options below!

CME Series & Workshops

NOSM U CEPD Palliative Care Education Series & Clinical Rounds

The Palliative Care Committee is proud to offer a variety of topics in the form of our series and clinical rounds to meet your needs!

Please visit the NOSM U CEPD Palliative Care Education website to view upcoming events and to register!


This one-credit-per-hour Group Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by the Continuing Education and Professional Development Office at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine for up to 2 Mainpro+ credit.

Pan-Northern Clinical Rounds Collective

Pan Northern Clinical Rounds Collective (PNCRC) – created in response to feedback received from clinicians across the North. The PNCRC will bring together in one convenient location Rounds programs from across the wider campus of NOSM University, resulting in an itemized collection of live and archived CME content.


Our goal is to support and connect communities and clinicians by “shortening the distance” between you and the valuable educational content being created across the region. You can use the accordion menu on the “About the Collective” tab to see what each Rounds Program has to offer or use the search function of the Schedule page to search for a particular topic.

Visit the Pan-Northern Clinical Rounds Collective website for more information!


Annual CPD Conferences

Northern Ontario Women’s Health Conference (October 24, 2025)

Northern Ontario Women’s Health Conference

Delta Hotel, Thunder Bay

Friday, October 24, 2025

Stay tuned for more information!

Northeast Palliative Care Conference (February 28, 2025)

Save-the-Date for the Northeast Palliative Care Conference!

Stay tuned for more information!

Northern Ontario Pediatric Conference (March 28, 2025)

Registration Open for the Northern Ontario Pediatric Conference!

The Tenth Annual Northern Ontario Pediatric Conference is being held on Friday March 28, 2025 at Bryston’s-on-the-Park in Copper Cliff.

Register Here!

Women’s Health Symposium (April 11, 2025)

Registration Open! Northeast Women’s Health Symposium!

Hybrid event taking place at NOSM U Sudbury Campus, and WebEx

Visit the Women’s Health Symposium website for more information or to register!

Northern Lights 2025, May 8-9, 2025)

Save-the-Date for the Northern Lights Pan Northern Leadership Forum 2025!

Stay tuned for more information!

Northern Constellations & Connections (May 9 – 10, 2025)

Registration Open! Northern Constellations & Connections 2025!

Register to Northern Constellations and Connections! (deadline April 30, 2025)

Call For Proposals is Closed

David Healey MSK Day (May 23, 2025)

Save-the-Date for the David Healey MSK Day 2025!

Stay tuned for more information!

Northern Ontario Virtual Emergency Medicine Conference (June 5-6, 2025)

Save-the-Date for NOVEC!

This year’s model will be a hybrid event spanning over two days.

Stay tuned for more information!

Northern Health Research Conference (June 16 & 17, 2025)

Save-the-Date for the Northern Health Research Conference!

This will be a hybrid event: Location, Thunder Bay & Webex

Stay tuned for more information!

Thunder Bay LEG Family Medicine Update (September 26, 2025)

Save-the-Date for the Family Medicine Update!

This will be an in-person event located in Thunder Bay.

Stay tuned for more information!

Health Sciences North Annual Cardiovascular Symposium (October 03, 2025)

Save-the-Date for the HSN Annual Cardiovascular Symposium!

Stay tuned for more information!

Northern Ontario Women’s Health Conference 2025 (October 24, 2025)

Save-the-Date for the Women’s Health Conference 2025

This will be an in-person event located in Thunder Bay.

Stay tuned for more information!

North of 44: A Primary Care Conference (October 31, 2025)

Save-the-Date for the 2025 North of 44 Primary Care Conference

This will be a hybrid event located at NOSM U Sudbury campus and via WebEx.

Stay tuned for more information!

Asynchronous Learning Opportunities

Hearing Our Voices: Indigenous Cultural Safety Online Program

Increase your cultural awareness and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples’ social determinants of health and learn how to incorporate culturally appropriate care into your practice.

This program communicates the experience of Indigenous women in their own voices to residents and other allied health care practitioners who care for Indigenous patients or clients. These online modules aim to improve practitioners’ ability to care for Indigenous people in Canada by increasing cultural awareness and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples’ social determinants of health and by learning how to incorporate culturally appropriate care into practice. The Hearing Our Voices Program incorporates videos, readings, self-reflection exercises, and interactive activities to guide learning.

Learning Objectives:
* Practice cultural humility and engage in critical self-reflection about one’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
* Apply the principles of trauma-informed care and relational practice to foster trust-based relationships with patients or clients.
* Incorporate strategies to support culturally safe and culturally appropriate care for Indigenous Peoples in clinical and/or educational practice.

For more information and to register, please visit the CEPD Learning HUB

Stand Up: Understanding and Combatting microaggressions

Develop a greater understanding of microaggressions, their impact, and how to respond to them in the moment.

This program offers:
* Frameworks to provide effective, collegial feedback to learners in difficulty
* Strategies for collaboratively developing improvement plans for learners
* Approaches for responding to professional lapses and repeated professional lapses
* Information on the hidden curriculum and professional identity formation models
* Guidance on NOSM U’s remediation policies and planning

Learning Objectives:
* Describe microaggressions and examples of microaggressions.
* Explain how microaggressions result in healthcare disparities and unsafe environments for learners, faculty, clinicians, and patients.
* Apply the Triangle Model Framework to respond to microaggressions as the source, bystander, or recipient of a microaggression.

For more information and to register, please visit the CEPD Learning HUB

Setting the Table: An Introduction to teaching and Practicing in Northern Ontario

* Practice evidence-based teaching strategies and prepare for teaching and practicing in Northern Ontario with our online modules!
* Practice your feedback-giving skills through interactive scenarios featuring the Ask-Tell-Ask and One-Minute Preceptor Feedback models.
* Learn key information about NOSM University, Northern Ontario communities, and social determinants of health that impact health care delivery in the North.
* Explore tip sheets and best practice guidelines to support you in the areas of teaching, orienting new learners, and creating safe learning environments.

Learning Objectives

* Establish a safe learning environment when providing feedback to learners in a clinical environment (Scholar).
* Identify characteristics and challenges of the Northern Ontario health care context (Health Advocate).
* Describe NOSM U’s Distributed Medical Education model and the structure of its core programs (Scholar).
* Apply the Ask-Tell-Ask and One-Minute Preceptor Feedback Models when providing feedback to learners in clinical contexts (Scholar).

For more information and to register, please visit the CEPD Learning HUB

AFMC’s Canadian Medical Schools Respond to the Opioid Crisis