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NOSM receives unprecedented $1.2 million donation to invest in social accountability

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) announces a $1.2 million donation to support its social accountability mandate. This gift marks the largest by an individual donor in the School’s history. Dr. Hugh Robertson, Emeritus Professor of Radiology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center and Clinical Professor of Radiology at Tulane University Medical Centre in New Orleans, made the donation to help NOSM in addressing health inequity, advocacy for marginalized populations and access to care in Northern Ontario. With roots in Cochrane, Ontario, Dr. Robertson is concerned about the shortages of physicians in the ...

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NOSM Staff and Board Ratify a New Four-Year Collective Agreement

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) Local 677 (Unit 2), representing 132 staff, are pleased to announce the ratification of their fourth collective agreement. Both OPSEU Local 677 (Unit 2) Members and NOSM's Board of Directors (Executive Committee) voted in favour of ratifying the new collective agreement on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. The agreement covers four years and is in effect from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2024. Negotiations were subject to Bill 124, which limits overall compensation increases to the agreement. Both parties also agreed to enhancements of pensio...

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2021: A year dedicated to climate and social justice

So far, 2021 has started out as a political hot potato, both for our American neighbours and our own rising number of COVID-19 cases across Ontario. Yet, here in Northern Ontario, with vaccinations on the horizon, this new year brings some promise of the end (but not the eradication) of COVID-19 as a pandemic. It is the anticipation of in-person reconnection with loved ones, and hopefully, the resumption of academic and business work. We are taking stock and planning new courses of action to better ourselves and to better serve our communities. This year our resolution might be to re-evaluate the meaning of ‘normal’ and whether we s...

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