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In the Spotlight

NOSM medical student co-authors paper in Canadian Journal of Cardiology

A study titled Comparison of Readmission and Death Among Patients With Cardiac Disease in Northern vs Southern Ontario was published today in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology. The research recommends providing access to timely transitional care by clinicians who have the knowledge and expertise to treat patients recently discharged from hospital as one of several strategies necessary to reduce hospital readmission rates. The study shows that patients hospitalized with heart attacks, heart failure, atrial fibrillation or stroke in Northern Ontario were more likely to be readmitted to the hospital and repeatedly hospitalized after dis...

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New research from NOSM faculty member

Health-care providers who undergo monthly cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training achieved or maintained higher-quality CPR skills than those who underwent quarterly or yearly training, according to a new study published in Resuscitation. Nurses from the intensive care unit, operating and emergency rooms, and medical and surgical wards of Health Sciences North Hospital in Sudbury, Ontario, underwent short, workplace-based CPR training sessions at 1, 3, 6 and 12 month intervals to determine the training interval associated with the highest-quality CPR performance at one year. At their baseline assessment, 5 per cent of particip...

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NOSM Dean and CEO Featured in Rural Spark Podcast

Rural Spark, a new podcast on rural innovation in Canada, launched this week with three episodes including a discussion on rural physician recruitment with Dr. Roger Strasser, NOSM Dean and CEO. Rural Spark is a space where success stories, promising practices and lessons learned on rural innovation—both social and economic—are shared. The podcast can be found on the iTunes store and Spotify....

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