Wikwemikong Tribal Police partners with NOSM University researchers on trauma-informed policing curriculum and training
Wikwemikong Tribal Police and NOSM University researchers are working together to develop a culturally-based, trauma-informed policing approach for Indigenous police services. This project has received $1,120,500 in funding from the Province of Ontario’s community safety and policing grant. This initiative aims to improve community resilience related to the risk of addictions and human trafficking, train officers to better respond to trauma responses manifested by victims, as well as create trauma-informed, land-based Anishinaabe wellness support for police officers, first responders and victims involved with mental health...
Learn more.NOSM University researchers part of Canadian team receiving $10 million to research SARS-CoV-2 medications
On Thursday, July 7, 2022 the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Federal Minister of Health, announced $10M in research funding to establish the Canadian ADAptive Platform Trial of COVID-19 Therapeutics in Community Settings (Can-ADAPT COVID). Dr. Barb Zelek, Associate Professor at NOSM University, and Dr. Brianne Wood, NOSM University/Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute Associate Scientist, are part of the research team led by Dr. Andrew Pinto, Director of the Upstream Lab at St. Michael’s Hospital, a site of Unity Health Toronto, and the University of Toronto. Dr. Pinto and team will compare oral medications for SARS-Co...
Read more.NOSM University seeks members for Board of Governors
Individuals who share NOSM University’s commitment to improve health-care access for the peoples and communities in Northern Ontario are encouraged to apply to join the newly established Board of Governors. NOSM University remains steadfast in its commitment to providing high-quality education to future physicians and health professionals and continue to be an internationally recognized leader in distributed, learning-centred, community-engaged education and research. Geography, culture, and socioeconomic realities create a complex tapestry of health service inequities in Northern Ontario. NOSM University commits to working with commu...
Apply here.$1 million CIHR grant supports University-City Partnerships
A $1 million grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) aims to improve local health outcomes for residents of Thunder Bay and Ottawa through partnership between academic researchers, universities, and municipalities. NOSM University, City of Thunder Bay, and Lakehead University are collaborating with the University of Ottawa and the City of Ottawa, to address locally identified health and safety priorities. Recognized globally, the CityStudio framework of city-campus collaboration encourages post-secondary students to be agents of change for social accountability in their communities. “CityStudio is internation...
Read moreBoard of Governors moves forward with NOSM University priorities
On Thursday, May 12, 2022, the NOSM University transitional board of governors met virtually at its second meeting since becoming Canada’s first independent medical university. The Board reviewed the President’s achievements as highlighted in the NOSM University Making History 2021-2022. In this report, NOSM University celebrates its roots by highlighting key milestones from the past 20 years including how it is embodying health justice, opening doors for BIPOC women in medicine, empowering future learners, and changing the status quo by making NOSM University the research nexus for the North. “With our newfound independence,...
Read more.Join the NOSM University $10K Social Accountability Challenge
Working on a climate change project or planning community-led work in planetary health and social determinants of health? Or maybe you and your Indigenous community or organization aims to connect youth with Elders and Knowledge Keepers to visit with each other to learn about the land and talk about the effects of climate change on the earth. NOSM University has an opportunity for you. You may be eligible to apply for funding from NOSM University’s Centre for Social Accountability (CFSA). The $10K Social Accountability Challenge will award $10,000 to 10 community-based organizations with a focus on climate change. Five organizati...
Read moreNOSM University shining stars celebrated
Faculty at NOSM University came together to network and celebrate clinical and educational achievements at Northern Constellations, the School’s 11th annual faculty development conference, held May 6-7, 2022. “We are celebrating our incredibly dedicated faculty, their provision of patient care, involvement in a range of teaching activities, and recognition of peer support systems they’ve built across the North,” says Dr. James Goertzen, NOSM University Associate Dean, Continuing Education and Professional Development and Thunder Bay family physician. “The conference provides an opportunity to further develop and fos...
Read moreNOSM University medical students create impactful video about cannabis use by teens
Student-led video captures the attention of the Canadian Paediatric Society Northern Ontario has the highest rates of cannabis dependence in high-school students across the province, according to the study Drug use among Ontario Students, published by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in 2020. When a group of fourth-year medical students at NOSM University learned these statistics, they felt compelled to educate preteens and teenagers ages 12-18 as part of their unique advocacy curriculum. “Our goal with this project was to create a captivating, information-packed video to educate youth about cannabis and share ...
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