NOSM’s Newest M.D. Students to Attend Dinner Hosted by Thunder Bay Métis Council and School’s Aboriginal Reference Group
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine’s (NOSM) entry class of 2010 will be treated to a “Meet and Greet Dinner” later today at the Thunder Bay Métis Community Centre in Thunder Bay, hosted by the Thunder Bay Métis Council and the School’s Aboriginal Reference Group. The Thunder Bay Métis Council is one of 30 chartered communities that are included in the Métis Nation of Ontario. Each year during Orientation Week, the incoming class is invited to attend cultural events and dinners that highlight the diversity of Northern Ontario. As this year is the “Year of the Métis,” tonight’s dinner is a particularly appropriat...
Read MoreNOSM Committed to Reaching Fair Collective Agreement with OPSEU Staff Unit
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is committed to reaching a first collective agreement with the School's Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) Staff Unit which fairly reflects the unique nature of NOSM and its workforce. Since terminating mediation shortly after midnight early Monday morning, the now striking OPSEU Staff Unit has publicly identified wages, sick leaves and family leaves, hours of work, overtime, as major issues for the unionized employees. Please see the following Questions and Answers, which provides information regarding employee wages, entitlements, and the working environment at NOSM. N...
Read MoreMediated Talks Between NOSM and its OPSEU Staff Unit Conclude Without Settlement
Mediated talks between the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the School's Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) Staff Unit concluded early this morning without settlement. The OPSEU Staff Unit terminated mediation talks shortly after midnight. The two parties have been meeting since October 2009 in an effort to negotiate the School's first OPSEU Staff Unit Collective Agreement. Mediated talks began on Wednesday, August 11 in Thunder Bay, assisted by a Ministry of Labour Mediator. The 152 members included in the OPSEU Staff Unit work in office, clerical, administrative, technical and service positions. This exc...
Read MoreNOSM Committed to Bargaining Process with OPSEU Staff Unit
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the School's Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) Staff Unit have been meeting on a monthly basis, alternating between Sudbury and Thunder Bay, since October 2009 in an effort to negotiate the School's first OPSEU Staff Unit Collective Agreement. NOSM currently has a collective agreement in effect covering its faculty, librarians and professional staff, which was successfully negotiated in 2006 and renewed in 2008. After a Ministry of Labour Conciliation Officer attended the Staff Unit bargaining sessions on July 19 and 21 in Thunder Bay, OPSEU left the bargaining table a...
Read MoreNOSM Faculty Member Participates in International Collaboration on Medical Education to Improve Indigenous Health
Researchers from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand team up to tackle health questions The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is pleased to announce Faculty member Dr. Kristen Jacklin’s participation in a new major international collaboration launched to improve chronic disease care for Indigenous patients. Scientists will investigate similarities between Indigenous peoples and health issues. Diabetes and its prevalence in Indigenous communities is one area researchers will study with the aim to improving health in Aboriginal populations. Co-principal investigator NOSM’s Dr. Kristen Jacklin believes that “this proj...
Read MoreNorth Simcoe Muskoka LHIN Collaborates with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Dr. Roger Strasser, Dean, Northern Ontario School of Medicine and Bernie Blais, CEO, North Simcoe Muskoka Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) are pleased to announce today the signing of a collaborative partnership agreement between the two organizations. “The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is pleased to be partnering with the North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN,” noted Dr. Strasser. “This collaborative partnership will enhance our community outreach and supports the priorities of NOSM’s 2010-2015 Strategic Plan, which includes the vision of Innovative Education and Research for a Healthier North.” Stronger post-secondary ...
Read MoreNOSM’s New Strategic Plan Provides Blueprint for Innovative Education and Research for a Healthier North
On Tuesday, June 22, 2010, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) launched a new strategic plan intended to guide the School's progress through the years 2010 to 2015. Much has been achieved in NOSM's first five years of operations, and this second plan builds on these successes with well-established priorities and a clearly articulated vision and mission. NOSM’s new vision – Innovative Education and Research for a Healthier North – is supported by a mission that will enhance the School’s mandate for the education of high-quality physicians and health professionals and reinforce the School’s international recognition...
Read MoreFifth Annual Northern Health Research Conference Hosted by NOSM
On June 4 - 5, 2010, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its fifth annual Northern Health Research Conference (NHRC) at Laurentian University in Sudbury to coincide with the University's 50th anniversary. Delegates from across Northern Ontario and around the world attended the conference – the largest NHRC to date. As in previous years, the research presented ranged from the molecular to the whole society with a record 92 papers, involving almost 300 authors, presented as either oral or poster presentations. “Over 160 participants from different research backgrounds and institutions in Northern Ontario, across Cana...
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