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TBRHSC and NOSM Achieve Endoscopy Teaching Milestone Impacting Guyana

Guyana’s Dr. Alan Tinnie is going home. Dr. Tinnie is a general surgeon who, after graduating from the University of Guyana, came to Canada to further gain skills as a “fellow.” A fellow is a physician specialist, such as a surgeon, who does additional training within their specialty. This was the first fellowship opportunity offered by the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) to a surgeon. In this case, the fellowship was offered in the surgical specialty of endoscopy. Endoscopy is a procedure where the upper and lower bowels are examined using flexible cameras. As a result of this milestone collaboration between the Thun...

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Nine New Members Appointed to NOSM Board of Directors

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its Annual Members and Board of Directors meetings on Wednesday, September 22, 2010. These meetings were video-linked between the School’s West Campus at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay and its East Campus at Laurentian University in Sudbury, with other Directors participating via teleconference. The audited financial statements for the year ending April 30, 2010 were approved, and nine new members were appointed to the Board of Directors. New inductees into the Board comprised of 35 members include: - Dr. Roy Christopher Allison - Ms. Francine Chartrand-Dutrisac - Dr. Roge...

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NOSM and OPSEU Staff Unit Heading Back to Table

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the OPSEU Staff Unit have set dates to continue bargaining. The parties have agreed to return to the table September 30 and October 1, 2010 in Sudbury. NOSM remains committed to reaching a first collective agreement with the OPSEU Staff Unit which fairly reflects the unique nature of NOSM and its workforce....

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Mediated Talks End: OPSEU Staff Unit Leaves Table

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) Staff Unit participated in four days of mediated talks this week (September 14-17, 2010). While the NOSM Bargaining Team was prepared to bargain through the weekend, the OPSEU Staff Unit left the bargaining table at 4 p.m. this afternoon. Although considerable progress was made this week, the parties were unable to resolve all outstanding matters and reach a first collective agreement. NOSM has proposed that the two sides resume bargaining again September 30 and October 1, 2010, and is awaiting response from the OPSEU Staff Unit...

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NOSM and OPSEU Staff Unit Set Dates to Continue Negotiations

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the OPSEU Staff Unit have set dates to continue bargaining. The parties have agreed to return to the table September 14 -17, 2010 in Thunder Bay, with the assistance of a Ministry of Labour mediator. The parties have agreed to the mediator’s recommendation to maintain a media blackout until and during these new dates. NOSM remains committed to reaching a first collective agreement with its OPSEU Staff Unit which fairly reflects the unique nature of NOSM and its workforce....

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NOSM Welcomes 64 New M.D. Students

Today officially marks the first day of classes for 64 new medical students at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM), following a week of exposure to the geographic, social, cultural, and linguistic diversity of Northern Ontario. During their unique Orientation Week, the students traveled to several Northern Ontario communities, participated in working sessions, and became acquainted with their new lives as medical students. On Monday, August 23, the students gathered in Thunder Bay and enjoyed a dinner hosted by the Thunder Bay Métis Council and the School’s Aboriginal Reference Group, before they embarked on a week-long ...

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NOSM to Resume Talks with OPSEU Staff Unit Next Week

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and the OPSEU Staff Unit are heading back to the bargaining table next week. The parties have agreed to meet September 1 and 2, 2010, with the assistance of a Ministry of Labour mediator. NOSM remains committed to reaching a first collective agreement with the OPSEU Staff Unit which fairly reflects the unique nature of NOSM and its workforce....

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NOSM Negotiations with OPSEU Staff Unit Impacted by Public Sector Compensation Restraints

Like the rest of the broader public sector, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is impacted by recent Ontario government legislation and policy statements regarding compensation restraints for employees. With regard to bargaining unit employees, the government’s policy statement lays out a clear expectation that “new collective agreements will be of at least two years duration and provide no net increase in compensation for at least two years.” The fiscal plan provides no funding to NOSM for incremental compensation increases for new collective agreements. This is particularly challenging for NOSM as it manages a stru...

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