Media Releases
NOSM Board of Directors Holds Regular Meeting
Using a combination of video- and tele-conference connectivity across Northern Ontario, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held a regular meeting of the Board of Directors on Wednesday, March 7, 2012. Members of the Board received a presentation on the School's upcoming MD program Accreditation Site Visit on March 18-21, 2012 from NOSM's Director of Equity and Quality, Kate Beatty. The Directors received reports from several Board Committees, including the Finance and Audit, Quality Monitoring, Executive, Governance, Nominating, and Advancement Committees. The Directors also reviewed the Financial Report for the peri...
Read MoreCanadian University Collaborative is chosen as one of four in world to lead health education reform
Five Canadian universities have been chosen in a prominent international competition to represent North America as one of 4 global innovation collaboratives to work with the prestigious U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) on a project to lead innovation in health education across the globe. "This is an exciting opportunity for health professions and medical schools across Canada to help lead a global conversation about the ways we can improve health education," said David Naylor, President, University of Toronto, and member of the Lancet Commission. "This was an exceptionally competitive selection process and the strength of our proposal...
Read MoreHonouring Excellence in the Categories of Innovation, Inspiration, Leadership, Team Effort and Team Player
On February 9, 2012, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) celebrated the achievements of the School's staff members and paid tribute to the important work that all NOSM staff do in pursuit of Innovative Education and Research for a Healthier North . The Staff Awards of Excellence are held annually. Outstanding staff members are nominated by their colleagues, managers, faculty members, Board members, and NOSM learners, and a volunteer judging panel oversees the selection of the recipient(s). There are five categories in which staff are nominated and then selected for Awards of Excellence: Innovation, Inspiration, Leadership...
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