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Media Releases

Canada’s Newest Medical School to Welcome Over 850 Delegates from 45 Countries to Northern Ontario for Rendez-Vous 2012

Next week, beginning Tuesday, October 9, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) will host a major six-day world conference-Rendez-Vous 2012-in Thunder Bay and in communities across Northern Ontario. Over 850 delegates are expected to attend from 45 different countries, including 150 health professional schools, to share experiences, opportunities, and challenges of community participation in education, service, and research. Among many topics, conference delegates will explore issues related to rural, remote and underserviced health care, social accountability as it relates to health professional education, and the engagement ...

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New Member Appointed to NOSM Board of Directors

Seven Departing Members Thanked for Contribution  The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its Annual Members and Board of Directors meetings on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. These meetings were video-linked between the School's West Campus at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay and its East Campus at Laurentian University in Sudbury, with other Directors participating via teleconference. NOSM medical student Ms. Katie Gibson was appointed to the Board of Directors. Mr. Derek Debassige was appointed to the Board for a second term. The following members were thanked for their significant contribution to the Northern O...

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NOSM’s Francophone Symposium Registration Deadline Approaching

On October 10, 2012, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) will host its 4th NOSM Francophone Symposium as part of Rendez-Vous 2012, a major world conference being hosted by the School in Thunder Bay, Ontario. This one-day symposium convenes stakeholders and conference registrants with an interest in Francophone health. The deadline to register for this exciting opportunity is September 25, 2012. Participants will examine current best practices and resulting impact of service, education, and research on the health status of Francophones in Northern Ontario and around the world. Throughout this interactive day, conference par...

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