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Media Releases

NOSM Dean Receives Special Award for Outstanding Health Professional Educator

  On Friday, January 31, 2014, Dr. Roger Strasser, Dean of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM), was awarded one of seven Special Awards for Outstanding Health Professional Educators. The awards were presented during the closing ceremonies of the weeklong, annual Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) 2014, this year held in Pattaya, Thailand. The Prince Mahidol Award Conference focuses on health issues of global significance in order to inspire positive policy reform. From January 27-31, 2014, approximately 550 participants from over 60 countries came together at PMAC to explore Transformative Learning for Health Eq...

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NOSM Seeks Members for Aboriginal Reference Group

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is seeking two (2) volunteer members to join its Aboriginal Reference Group (ARG): one (1) Aboriginal youth member (between 18 and 29 years of age), and one (1) Aboriginal health-care professional. The Aboriginal Reference Group is an integral part of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. It is a multi-disciplinary committee that advises the Dean on all pertinent initiatives relating to Aboriginal health, research, education, and administration. The ARG provides an important mechanism through which members of Aboriginal communities in the North are able to have substantive input into t...

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Eighth Annual Bring a Doctor Home Hockey Tournament Raises $30,596 for NOSM Student Bursaries

A Banner Fundraising Year for Volunteer Employees of Essar Steel Algoma in Sault Ste. Marie  From January 20-25, 2014, volunteer employees and retirees of Essar Steel Algoma Inc. came together for their eighth annual Bring a Doctor Home Hockey Tournament at the John Rhodes Community Centre in Sault Ste. Marie. Since its inception in 2006, the Bring a Doctor Home Tournament has raised over $160,000 student bursaries that support medical students at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) who hail from the Sault. A volunteer appreciation event was held on Thursday, January 23, 2014 to celebrate the $30,596 raised for the Bri...

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