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Media Releases

Statement from Dr. Sarita Verma, Dean, President, and CEO, Northern Ontario School of Medicine

"On Thursday, April 15, 2021, the Government of Ontario introduced legislation to establish the Northern Ontario School of Medicine as an independent, standalone degree-granting institution. In light of Laurentian University’s Companies’ Creditor Arrangement Act (CCAA) proceedings, we are not able to comment at this time. We will continue to work with the Government of Ontario, rural, Indigenous and Francophone communities, learners, faculty and staff, and our institutional partners to remain an internationally renowned institution that prepares world-class health-care professionals to practise in Northern Ontario."...

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Innovation in times of crisis: how NOSM faculty created curriculum that challenges students to advocate for impactful change

As the world faced the unprecedented health crisis of COVID-19, faculty at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) made pivotal changes to its fourth-year MD curriculum. At a time when students were not able to work on the frontlines, NOSM faculty worked quickly to introduce a new curriculum that focused on building advocacy leadership skills that would lead to impactful change. “The new curriculum provided students with the opportunity to pursue topics that matter to them while having real, positive impacts on patient care and population health in Northern and rural contexts,” says Dr. Erin Cameron, NOSM Assistant Professo...

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Important Message

On Monday, February 1, Laurentian University announced commencement of court-supervised proceedings for a formal restructuring under federal legislation. While NOSM is associated with Laurentian University through an affiliation agreement, NOSM is a stand-alone legal entity, registered as a not-for-profit corporation, and maintains independent finances, administration, and Board of Directors. From what we understand, Laurentian will continue its day-to-day operations while it restructures. NOSM students registered at Laurentian University will not be affected during this court-appointed review and will continue their studies without i...

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