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NOSM Board Holds First Virtual Board Retreat

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its first virtual-only retreat on May 13, 2020. Due to restrictions on mass gatherings implemented by the Government of Ontario in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the move to a virtual-only meeting reflects NOSM's commitment to protecting the health and safety of its directors, learners, staff, faculty and the community. Dr. Sarita Verma, NOSM Dean, President and CEO, began the day highlighting the School’s achievements since her onboarding in July 2019. An overview of NOSM’s response to COVID-19 was also reviewed with key dates and milestones identified to enable academic an...

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NOSM hosts virtual Board meeting during COVID-19 outbreak

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its regular board meeting on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 using telephone and online technology to accommodate a virtual meeting. Highlights of the discussion and decisions include: Sarita Verma, NOSM Dean, President and CEO, provided the Board with an update regarding the monitoring of COVID-19 for NOSM learners, faculty and staff. The Financial Report ending January 31, 2020 was reviewed and approved as presented to the Board. A revised Faculty Appointment and Reappointment Policy was approved. Each of the standing committees reported updates. A key focus over the pas...

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NOSM Board of Directors Seeks Five Members

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is seeking five (5) individuals to join the Board of Directors in September 2020. If you share NOSM’s commitment to improve health care access for the people and communities in Northern Ontario, this is an ideal opportunity for you. NOSM’s vision of Innovative education and research for a healthier North means we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing high-quality education to physicians and health professionals, and continue to be a leader in distributed, learning-centred, community-engaged education and research. The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is seeking individ...

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