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NOSM University recognized for commitment to Northern Ontario’s Francophone community

NOSM University is the recent recipient of the Réseau du mieux-être francophone du Nord de l'Ontario Award of Recognition honouring community partners for their contributions and efforts to improve access to, and equity of, French-language services. “This is an honour for which we are very grateful, and it’s one that tells me that NOSM University is on the right track” says Dr. Sarita Verma, President, Vice-Chancellor, and Dean of NOSM University who accepted the award on behalf of the University. “NOSM University has prioritized social accountability and health justice in everything we do. Simply, this means that the univer...

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$1 million CIHR grant supports University-City Partnerships

A $1 million grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) aims to improve local health outcomes for residents of Thunder Bay and Ottawa through partnership between academic researchers, universities, and municipalities. NOSM University, City of Thunder Bay, and Lakehead University are collaborating with the University of Ottawa and the City of Ottawa, to address locally identified health and safety priorities. Recognized globally, the CityStudio framework of city-campus collaboration encourages post-secondary students to be agents of change for social accountability in their communities. “CityStudio is internation...

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Join the NOSM University $10K Social Accountability Challenge

Working on a climate change project or planning community-led work in planetary health and social determinants of health? Or maybe you and your Indigenous community or organization aims to connect youth with Elders and Knowledge Keepers to visit with each other to learn about the land and talk about the effects of climate change on the earth. NOSM University has an opportunity for you. You may be eligible to apply for funding from NOSM University’s Centre for Social Accountability (CFSA). The $10K Social Accountability Challenge will award $10,000 to 10 community-based organizations with a focus on climate change. Five organizati...

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