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Academic Appeals

Academic Appeals related processes fall under the jurisdiction of the NOSM University Senate.

With the proclamation of NOSM to NOSM University in April of 2022, the University has sought to update this terminology on its website and in its publications. However, it is possible that examples of the old terminology remain, particularly in older or archived official texts. The old and new terms have the same meaning and should be considered equivalent.
For key documents, processes or information or if you have questions regarding Academic Appeals please contact the University Secretary at and in the subject line “Learner Appeals”

If you are a student/learner looking to appeal a matter, as a starting point, ensure you have read the appropriate program Appeal Policy.

Please ensure that you have read the Senate Appeals Policy and forms with particular attention to:

Section 3.2 of the Senate Appeal Policy in which it states ” An appeal to the SAC may only be made: a. after a decision subject to the appellate jurisdiction of the SAC has been made and communicated to the Learner. b. after all procedures at the previous level(s) have been exhausted

Senate Appeal Policy and Request Form

Senate Appeals Policy (2024)

Senate Appeal Request Form (Updated April 2024)

Senate Appeals Committee Terms of Reference (2023)

The request for an appeal form along with the supporting documents must be completed and sent to the University Secretary ( within the allotted timeframe.

For support, please refer to the links or contacts below:

NOSM University Learner Support Services –
Resident Wellness- For urgent wellness or crisis issues, please contact the 24 hour/7 days a week accessible PARO hotline at 1-866-HELP-DOC.

Gina Kennedy |  University Secretary
Director, Office of the President
T (705) 662-7206  | C (705) 618-4009 * preferred method of contact via phone 

General Email:

Email: |