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Board of Governors Committees

Board Executive Committee

Board Executive Committee Terms of Reference

Board Executive  
·         Chair Virginia May Katt (Vice Chair – Board)
·         Vice Chair Sue LeBeau (Chair – Board)
·         President Sarita Verma
·         Committee Chairs
  • FARM Committee
John Stenger
  • Governance Committee
Susan Soldan
**Guest to Board Executive for Presenting Report on Presidential Search – Past Chair and Chair of Search Joy Warkentin


Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee

Updated Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee Terms of Reference_2024 02 21

Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee
·         Chair John Stenger
·         Vice Chair John Beaucage
·         President Sarita Verma*
·         Governor Dr. Shemer Ratner
·         Governor Dawn Morissette
·         Governor Craig Abotossaway
·         Governor Dr. Killian deBlacam
·         Governor Dr. Andrew Webb
·         Non-Governors/Community Member Brent Maranzan
·         Non-Governors/Community Member n/a
The non-voting members of the Committee shall consist of:
·         Vice-President, Administration and Chief Operating Officer

·         Associate Vice-President, Finance and Administration

·         Director of Finance

·         Director of Planning and Risk

·         University Secretary

*Only non voting for audit approvals.

Capital Master Plan subcommittee

Capital Master Plan subcommittee Terms of Reference


FARM Committee Member (Chair) Brent Maranzan
Governor Dr. Shemer Ratner
VP Administration and COO Ray Hunt
Provost and VP Academic Dr. Celine Lariviere
AVP Finance and Administration Lance Dyll
AD Equity and Inclusion Dr. Joseph LeBlanc
Director Planning and Risk Grace Vita
Director Information Technology and Facilities Steve Kelly
AVP External Relations Joanne Musico
Planetary Health Lead (or designate) Dr. Elaine Blacklock (pending confirmation)
OPSEU Representatives Unit 1 Dr. Simon Lees

Unit 2 Jason Lind

One External Member

Governance Committee

Governance Committee Terms of Reference (2022)

Governance Committee
·         Chair Susan Soldan
·         Vice Chair Mark Hartman
·         Governor Ashley LaRose
·         Governor Imram Bagha
·         Governor Angela Carter
·         Governor Kristy Côté
·         Governor Mark Hurst
·         Non-Governors/Community Member n/a
·         Non-Governors/Community Member n/a


Board of Governors Ad Hoc Committees-Task Force

Presidential Search Committee


Task Force on the Issuance of Public Political Statements

On November 24, 2023 the Board of Governors approved the establishment of a Task Force on the Issuance of Public Political Statements and the Terms of Reference as presented. The work, membership and role of the Task Force will be time limited governed by the Terms of Reference.

Task Force Issuance of Public Political Statements Final Terms of Reference

Updates will be posted as required by the Task Force.


  • Sue Lebeau, Board of Governors Chair
  • Dr. Joseph LeBlanc, Associate Dean EI
  • Gina Kennedy, Director, Office of the President
  • Dr. Sherry Mongeau, Director Learner Support Services
  • To Be appointed:
    • Two Board Members appointed by the Chair of the Board
    • Four Learners chosen by their peers one each from PGME, UME, Grad Studies, and one learner from Health Sciences (NODIP, PA, and Rehab Sciences)
    • Three Faculty Members (one from the Clinical Sciences, Medical Sciences and Human Sciences Divisions) chosen by their Division Head
    • One or more resource experts from external relations (Communications) or other content experts as required.


Completed – Closed Committees:

Board of Governors Search Committee

On April 4, 2022, the Transition Board of Governors approved the Terms of Reference for the NOSM University Board of Governors Search Committee.  The NOSM University Board of Governors Search Committee “Search Committee” is constituted to oversee and advise the Transition Board with respect to the search and appointment of the founding Board of Governors of NOSM University.


Membership: Danielle Bélanger-Corbin (Chair), Dr. Janice Willett (Co-Chair), Ed Wawia (Co-Chair), Bruce Sutton, Juliette Denis, Lou Turco, William McCready, Dr. Ghazala Basir, Dr. Darrel Manitowabi, Dr. Alain Simard, Monique Rocheleau, Jamie Restoule, Wendy Landry, Sandra Hollingsworth, Dominic Giroux, Dr. Rhonda, Crocker Ellacott, Sabrina Slade, Rachel Peet, Dr. Lacey Pitre, Dr. Trevor Bruen, Rene Gravelle and Dr. Sarita Verma, President (nonvoting)

Resources: Gina Kennedy, University Secretary, Alexandra Curry (Secretary

Chancellor Appointment Committee

On April 4, 2022, the Transition Board of Governors approved the Chancellor Appointment Policy and the formation of the Chancellor Appointment Committee that will oversee and advise the Transition Board with respect to the appointment of NOSM University’s First Chancellor.


Membership: Joy Warkentin, Dr. Sarita Verma, Dr. David MacLean, Dr. Emmanuel Abara, Dr. Rayuda Koka, Dr. William Hettenhausen, Mae Katt, Lucy Bonanno, Dr. Joseph LeBlanc, Sam Senecal, Cathy Golding, Brian Trucker, Denis Bérubé, Angele Brunelle, Dr. Louise Logan, Sandra Hollingsworth, Wendy Landry (designate), Dr. Hiba Al-Bayati, Sarah Herst, Dr. Sabrina Slade, Dr. Serge Milville, Dr. Aubri Bruno-Petrina

Boyden Executive Search Team: Mike Naufal, Nick Chambers and Michael Young

Resources: Gina Kennedy, University Secretary, Alexandra Curry (Secretary)