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Become a Board Member

NOSM University’s Board of Governors is comprised of members who reflect the geographic and demographic diversity of Northeastern and Northwestern Ontario, including Indigenous, Francophone, and rural and remote communities. It is responsible for the oversight of the University’s governance and administration.  As a bicameral institution, the Act also establishes the Senate who sets the University’s educational policies and is responsible for the management of academic issues. Membership is drawn widely to achieve the balance of skills and expertise required to enable the Board to fulfill its governance responsibilities.

For 2022 – 2023 the recruitment will be guided by the newly formed Governors Search Committee to oversee and advise the Transition Board with respect to the search and appointment of the founding Board of Governors of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine University.


If you share NOSM University’s commitment to improve health care access for the people and communities in Northern Ontario, this is an ideal opportunity for you. NOSM University’s vision of Innovative education and research for a healthier North means we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing high quality education to physicians and health professionals, and continue to be a leader in distributed, learning-centred, community-engaged education and research.

The Board of Governors is a competency-based Board whose composition reflects the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to govern effectively and meet the vision, mission and strategic goals of the University. See Board Recruitment and Selection Guidelines

The Board includes members who are elected from the following constituency groups (see Article 2 – By-law):

  • External
  • Internal Seats (Student, Teaching Staff, Non-Teaching Employees)
  • Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointed Representatives

Term of Office – The term of office for elected External, Internal and LGIC seats, is 3 years and 1 year for Students/ Learners.  Elected members are eligible for re-election, subject to the provisions in the By-Laws and the NOSM University Act, 2021 and applicable board policies.


If you are interested in becoming an elected member of the Board of Governors, please refer to below for additional information and / or visit the “Become a Board Member” page.

Please note that there are two categories and separate applications.

External Applications

  • Applications are closed

Internal Application and Election Information

2022 Internal Elections Memorandum – English/French

Teaching Staff (1 seat)  / Corps professoral (un siège)  

Teaching Staff candidates are identified through a general election conducted by the University Secretary.  “Teaching Staff” means professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, instructors, and all others employed or contracted to do the work of teaching or giving instruction at the University.” Nominees must have an active appointment and in good standing at the time of nomination and throughout their board term.   /  Les candidates et candidats faisant partie du corps professoral sont sélectionnés lors d’une élection générale menée par la secrétaire de l’Université.  « Membres du corps professoral » s’entend des professeurs titulaires, professeurs agrégés, professeurs adjoints, chargés de cours, moniteurs et toutes autres personnes employées ou à contrat pour enseigner ou encadrer à l’Université. Les candidates et candidats doivent enseigner et être en règle lors de la mise en candidature et tout au long de leur mandat au conseil.   

Non-Teaching Employee (1 seat)  /  Personnel non enseignant (un siège)  

Non-Teaching Employee candidates are identified through a general election conducted by the University Secretary.  “Non-Teaching Employees” means all University employees who do not fall within the definition of Teaching Staff. Nominees must be full-time employees and in good standing at the time of nomination and throughout their board term.    /  Les candidates et candidats faisant partie du personnel non enseignant sont sélectionnés lors d’une élection générale menée par la secrétaire de l’Université. « Personnel non enseignant » s’entend des employés de l’Université qui n’entrent pas dans la définition de membres du corps professoral. Les candidates et candidats doivent être employés à temps plein et en règle lors de la mise en candidature et tout au long de leur mandat au conseil.   

 Student (Learner) (1 seat)  / Étudiante ou étudiant (un siège)  

Student candidates for Board membership are identified through a general election conducted by the University Secretary.  “Students” means all learners registered at the University. Nominees must be registered and in good standing at the time of nomination and throughout their board term.    /   Les étudiantes et étudiants candidats au conseil sont sélectionnés lors d’une élection générale menée par la secrétaire de l’Université. « Étudiantes ou étudiants » s’entend de toutes les personnes qui étudient à l’Université. Elles doivent être inscrites et en règle lors de la mise en candidature et tout au long de leur mandat au conseil.   

  • July 18 – Nomination and Election information released: July 18 
  • July 25 to August 5 – Nomination period open/closed *Late or incomplete nominations will be automatically disqualified  
  • August 31 and close on September 9 at Noon- Elections will be held by survey (*election date extended to allow for statements)

For general inquiries, please email:

Gina Kennedy, University Secretary or Alexandra Curry Assistant Secretary at

NOSM University is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, Indigenous people, Francophones, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

Please visit for information on careers and other opportunities at NOSM University.