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Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act) has applied to NOSM University since April 1, 2022, when the Northern Ontario School of Medicine University Act, 2021, came into force.

The purposes of the Act are:

(a) to provide a right of access to information under the control of institutions in accordance with the principles that,

  1. information should be available to the public,
  2. necessary exemptions from the right of access should be limited and specific, and
  3. decisions on the disclosure of government information should be reviewed independently of government; and

(b) to protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by institutions and to provide individuals with a right of access to that information.

NOSM University
Office of the Vice President, Administration & Chief Operating Officer (COO)

May 13, 2024

Access to Information

NOSM University, through its administrative and academic units, routinely provides information to the public. An official access request for information which can be routinely released to the public is not required.

Informal Process

Begin the process for requesting information with an informal request to the Unit that you believe may hold the information required. Describe the records requested to the contact person in the Unit. You will be assisted in your request and told whether the information is readily available or if you will be required to submit a formal request under the Act.

Formal Process

When an informal request to access information is denied, a formal application can be made under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. A NOSM University Request to Access Information form is available below.

  • Submit a formal application for the requested records to the Director of Planning and Risk in the Office of the Vice President, Administration & Chief Operating Officer (COO).
  • Provide enough detail to enable the University to identify the records.
  • Indicate whether you want a copy of the record or to examine the record.
  • Send payment of the required fees by e-transfer to
  • The Director of Planning and Risk may contact you to clarify your request.
  • NOSM University must make every reasonable effort to respond to a request no later than 30 calendar days after receiving it, unless specific exceptions apply that warrant an extended period of time for the University to respond.

An applicant may request that the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario review any decision made by NOSM University that relates to a request. Information on the appeal process can be accessed on the website for the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.

NOSM University
Office of the Vice President, Administration & Chief Operating Officer (COO)

May 13, 2024

FIPPA Policies and Protocols


Guidelines and Resources


Grace Vita
Director of Planning and Risk