Sarah Arulchelvam (McMaster University, PT)
Posted on November 21, 2023
I completed my second physical therapy placement in Thunder Bay. I had a phenomenal experience starting from the drive up north, to engaging in my clinical placement. Although it was a slower pace of life, with most places closing by 7pm, the days were long in the summer, as the sun set only at 10pm! Having long summer days allowed me to take in the spectacular scenery and majestic wildlife. Specifically, I was fortunate to climb to the top of the Sleeping Giant and embrace the panoramic view, as well as visit Kakabeka falls, which I may argue, is much more breathtaking than Niagara Falls! Additionally, I was able to cross the border to Grand Marais, Minnesota to visit the small seaside town known for its art and culture.
Additionally, I gained an appreciation of the challenges the Indigenous community face, as well as learnt much about their culture and practices by attending Pow Wows and cookouts (I ate moose for the first time at the cookout and it was great!), as well as having open discussions with my clinical instructor and my fellow NOSM peers.
Thunder Bay is such a diverse community, and there is a place for anyone to feel like they belong!