NOSM Seeks Members for Francophone Reference Group
Posted on December 16, 2020
The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) is seeking two volunteer members to join its Francophone Reference Group (FRG): one Francophone NOSM resident from any community in Northern Ontario and one Francophone community member from Northwestern Ontario.
The Francophone Reference Group is an integral part of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. It is a multi-disciplinary committee that advises the Dean on all pertinent initiatives relating to, and advocating for, Francophone health. Topics include Francophone research, education, and partnerships. The FRG provides substantive input into the School’s operations and priorities.
As a volunteer, the incumbents will serve a three-year term and:
- provide insight, direction, and guidance to the Dean;
- contribute to NOSM’s mandate to be socially accountable to the people and communities of Northern Ontario;
- ensure that the interests of Francophones continue to be accurately reflected in the direction of the School;
- monitor and evaluate the implementation of the FRG strategic priorities as they align with NOSM’s strategic plan; and,
- attend FRG meetings on a quarterly basis.
Interested applicants must submit, in French, a cover letter indicating their interest in serving on the FRG and resumé for consideration by the application deadline of Monday, January 4, 2021.
Please forward applications, enquiries, and expressions of interest to:
Danielle Barbeau-Rodrigue
Director, Francophone Affairs
Phone: 705-662-7291